Autumn is officially just around the corner and with it begins pumpkin spice season! With everything from Pumpkin Spice Lattes to pancakes, and even Pumpkin Spice chocolates making their debut, why not a Pumpkin Spice Baby?! […]
Room Decor
Let’s be honest. I consider the Instagram-worthiness of a new purchase far more than I should. I can’t help it. It’s an Instagram world now, and we’re all just living in it! Thankfully, I’m in good company with mamas of new babies. There’s truly nothing more adorable than a baby on Instagram. […]
Your baby’s first year is an important one. Those twelve months of milestones, from sitting up to first steps, are hard earned. So, let’s celebrate them! Oh and let’s make sure the babes look precious while we’re at it. The new DwellStudio® collection at is here to make it easy and oh my gosh cute! …
‘ve been designing nurseries for about ten years now, and I’ve seen a lot of trends come and go. Most nursery trends blow up, stick around for a little while and then fizzle out after a short while (as is the nature of trends). However, there is one trend that has been consistently popular for several …
Cuddle in cozy tight and crack open your favorite children’s book because story time is coming to life for your nursery and playroom. With minds full of wonder from the earliest of age, children’s imaginations run wild and free. […]
Let’s give that nursery corner a special touch with a non-conventional framing, shall we? We put together a simple, but oversized, DIY poster hanger. […]
Whether you’re preparing for a newborn or transitioning to life with a toddler, creating a safe, healthy and soft environment in your home is of the utmost importance. As you’re working on designing and baby-proofing the rooms in your home, consider starting from the ground up! […]
Using cork boards in the nursery is a great way to feature seasonal art prints, little mementos and all those cute baby pictures. But how can you transform a dull and brown cork board into a modern and beautiful decorative piece for the nursery? Well, you can just add some paint to it. […]