Room Decor

A few weeks ago, I wrote a post mentioning a unique way of preserving your child's art by creating a mosaic collage. It got me thinking of other ways to organize all your little Picasso's works of art that may be accumulating in a box at the back of your closet (that would be me). These …

Surges of neon pinks, bright yellows and high energy blues have taken over the runways in time for Spring. Fashion infused with bright and bold color is also making its way into baby's world. It is with great excitement that we introduce to you, the most fashionable stroller of 2012 launching exclusively at giggle, the …

nursery wall art

With every child's room design project that we tackle, we face the inevitable question: what to put on the walls? Sometimes it's personal and sentimental. Sometimes it's just plain cute. Sometimes, there's a big budget; sometimes, it's a shoestring. Sometimes modern, sometimes traditional—you get the point, it varies with every room. And, there are so …

There is something so pure about a brand new baby. Personally, I love dressing and wrapping my newborn baby up in clean, simple designs rather than busy prints that compete with his sweetness. So what could be better than laying a new baby down to sleep on these beautiful and subtle new crib bedding sets …

When Alessia and her family would relocate to another new country the first thing her mum would do at the new house was mark her height on the back of her bedroom door and mark it again before they moved on—comparing how much her daughter grew in that country. In sunny South Africa, Julie’s parents …

When I found out I was having a little girl, I had dreams of transforming her room pink and painting butterflies on the wall. Well, truth be told, I do not have an artistic bone in my body—drawing stick figures can be a challenge for me. I think that my pregnancy made me feel like …

We teamed up with NoJo to share some of our designing ways with their customers. We can now be seen in Babies "R" Us stores nationwide within the NoJo packaging. It was exciting for us to pull together a very detailed brochure covering topics ranging from getting started in the nursery to design tips and tricks. …