All you babywearing mamas, raise your hands! I’m over here raising both hands! Babywearing literally saved me as a mother when I had my second child. He was that kid! The kid that won’t be put down and wanted to be held all the time. […]
Baby Gear
Breast pumps are a piece of baby gear that can be a real life saver not only for for moms going back to work but also for moms staying home. […]
We’ve introduced you to a lot of new monitors in our Project Nursery electronics line, but we still have a soft spot for the monitor that started it all—the Project Nursery 5″ High-Definition Video Baby Monitor System with Convenient 1.5″ Mini Monitor. […]
We want to help you build up the courage to take your little ones on lots of summer adventures that will help you write the history book of your family and give you the chance to win a $150 credit to Project Nursery. […]
What makes a stroller smart? Is it its adaptability to multiple terrains? Is it its ability to transport children from birth to four years old? Or what about the way it folds flat and takes up less space? We took the new phil&teds Smart Stroller for a test drive (well, lots of test drives!) to get …
Over the years, we have added a number of different products to our line, but the monitor will always be our first baby, and we want to give you the chance to win one of them! We’re giving away our 4.3″ Baby Monitor System with 2 Digital Zoom Cameras. […]
If you have been in this parenting business for any period of time then you know two things that kids can make extremely difficult for parents—travel and bedtime! Put the two together and you have a recipe for disaster. We’ve got good news for you though—the newest member of the Project Nursery electronics line is …
Let’s face it, there is nothing scarier than the first time your baby gets sick. I think every mama can relate to that fear of baby’s first cold! We may do everything in our power to avoid our little ones getting sick, but sometimes it’s just inevitable. So when it happens, we need to be …