Baby Gear

Project Nursery Mum + Bub SmartBand

Big news friends! We’ve officially launched in the land down under. That’s right, mate, Project Nursery’s line of stylish and functional electronics for growing families can now be found in both Australia and New Zealand. […]

Baby Flying on Airplane

Flying with babies can be stressful for you and the other passengers on the plane as evidenced by the number of stories we have seen circulating around of parents boarding planes with gift bags for everyone else on board. […]

Nuna Pipa Infant Car Seat

It’s been eight years since I’ve shopped for an infant car seat, and my goodness, have things changed. Since my trusty infant car seat used for both my boys has expired, I was on the hunt for the latest and greatest infant car seat for my baby girl due this May. […]

UPPAbaby VISTA Double Stroller

Anyone else have what I call toddler-in-public anxiety? It goes a little like this: Mom needs to go left, toddler insists on going right, not to mention the newborn baby who’s adding her personal soundtrack of screams in the background. […]

Skip Hop's TUO Convertible High Chair

Confession: I’m a highchair junkie. I have two babies—only one old enough to need a highchair—but I’ve gone through FIVE highchairs. I just couldn’t find one I liked. […]