As a kid, I loved to see my name on things. It made me feel special and important, and it told everyone that it was mine! Although I have moved past the days of personalized bike license plates, I still get a little giddy when I receive a personalized gift with my name on it, …
For Mom
There seems to be an app for everything these days, including several GREAT ones to keep up with your baby's development and your growing belly! Two of my favorite books during my pregnancies were Your Pregnancy Week By Week and What to Expect When Your Expecting. I also loved reading all of Jenny McCarthy's books—Belly …
There's something about a bold colored bra that's exciting, isn't there? Case in point, Bravado Designs beloved Body Silk Seamless Nursing Bra is singing Spring with their limited edition, Honeysuckle hue. And guess what Project Nursery readers? We have first dibs! I've been around the block so to speak when it comes to the nursing bra and the …
Jessica Alba is one busy mommy. My social media feeds gave me no choice but to follow her happenings all around town last week. And from the looks of it, she has yet to take a break from promoting her newest baby, The Honest Company. offers affordable (and downright cute!) non-toxic diapers and eco-friendly …
Umm...I'm in my seventh month of pregnancy, I know I'm having another boy and I still haven't picked a name for the little fellow. In fact, I haven't really even hunkered down with my giant book of baby names that my husband and I used for our first son (I see there's a new edition …
With the holiday shopping season upon us, why not give a gift this year that also gives back? Here are a few of my top selections for holiday gifts for children that will make both the recipient of the gift and someone else in need smile when purchased. Almost everyone knows about TOMS, but in case …
Just the other week, I tweeted how I purchased maybe the best diaper bag ever when my Timi & Leslie Charlie Diaper Bag arrived. I was hoping it was as good as it looked online, and I can now honestly say it delivered. It's a huge bag, and as a mom of two, it's exactly …
Our very own Project Nursery editor, Beth, is trying her hand at guest posting on Word of Mom today. She weighs in on when the right time to have a child is. How did you plan your family?