The Honest Company + Diaper Bag Giveaway

Jessica Alba is one busy mommy. My social media feeds gave me no choice but to follow her happenings all around town last week. And from the looks of it, she has yet to take a break from promoting her newest baby, The Honest Company. offers affordable (and downright cute!) non-toxic diapers and eco-friendly family products delivered right to your doorstep. “I’ve spent way too many hours researching products and driving around, trying to find safer, eco-friendly options for my kids,” explained Jessica Alba, President and Founder. “I knew that most people didn’t have that kind of time, nor the means to pay the premium prices. We had to make it easier.”

Parents are able to curate bundles online for delivery. Diapers are available for less than $20 a week, and a monthly supply of the body care and home cleaning essentials comes in at just under $9 a week. It’s awfully convenient, and from what I’ve gathered from their bustling Facebook fan page, the customer service is outstanding.

I had the opportunity to meet the beautiful celebrity mom of two and hear more about her freshly launched company with fellow Co-Founder, Christopher Gavigan. Christopher is a renowned environmentalist, author, former CEO of Healthy Child, Healthy World and father. The evening was hosted and moderated by the fashionable Nicole Feliciano, of Momtrends, and most of New York City’s top mom bloggers were accounted for. Jessica and Christopher graciously passed out their personal business cards and shared insight into their brand’s mission, personal stories and more.

Left to Right: Christopher Gavigan, Nicole Feliciano, Jessica Alba, Risa Goldberg, Leslie Venokur, Melisa Fluhr

The lovely evening concluded with a handful of lucky attendees winning very cool Honest Company Diaper Bags. Jessica explained how she designed the diaper bag herself and that she did it with her husband in mind. As multi-tasking moms, we know what it’s like to juggle the baby, the kids and their stuff all at once. And when Jessica’s husband offers to help her, let’s just say carrying her girly diaper bag probably isn’t his first choice. While I did not win the gorgeous, gender-neutral bag, savvy Project Nursery friend Julia Beck, of Forty Weeks, offered her winnings to our wonderful PN readers. How awesome is she? (Meet her on Twitter @TheJulia Beck.)

The Honest Company diaper bag, designed by Jessica Alba, is a slate gray messenger-style bag with hip yellow stitching and a “feels like” suede fabric. It’s roomy, and it’s stocked with samples of Jessica’s new line. Even my husband walked into my office and said, “Hmm, cool bag,” and then walked out. So do we have any takers?

WIN IT! One lucky Project Nursery reader will win The Honest Company Diaper Bag complete with a sample kit of their products.

HOW TO ENTER: To enter, comment below to let us know that you visited and give us your take—would you try it? Contest ends Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 11:59pm PST.

1. “Like” Project Nursery on Facebook, give us a shout out on our wall and tell us you did with a comment below.

2. Follow Project Nursery on Twitter, tweet about it and tell us you did with a comment below.

3. Subscribe to our Weekly Newsletter or let us know you are already a subscriber with a comment below.

{Remember to use an individual comment to note what you did
for each extra entry (4 comment maximum)}


Melisa Fluhr

Melisa Fluhr

With a passion for decorating and design, it was Melisa's experience as a first time mom, that inspired her to start Project Nursery.


  1. Sara

    January 26, 2012

    Yes I would try it! It sounds cool! Love the product designs!

  2. Katie R

    January 26, 2012

    I would definitely try it if I keep my job after the baby is born. Anything to save time running errands!

  3. Katie R

    January 26, 2012

    I’m also a subscriber

  4. tami

    January 26, 2012

    maybe! i would try it if i had some extra cash to spare :) otherwise i would probably stick with the products that i know.

  5. Jean

    January 26, 2012

    I love this diaper bag! I actually ordered the diaper bundle from zulily, so I’m excited to try!

  6. kyla

    January 26, 2012

    For sure! Sounds convenient and rewarding to know you are providing a healthy environment for your child! Love this diaper bag, so hard to find one his/her friendly and chic.

  7. kyla

    January 26, 2012

    I am also a subscriber!

  8. lidia S

    January 26, 2012

    I would love to try it sounds good!!!!

  9. lidia S

    January 26, 2012

    I am a subscriber!!

  10. lidia S

    January 26, 2012

    Already Liked on Facebook!

  11. lidia S

    January 26, 2012

    such a cute bag!!!!

  12. EHayes

    January 26, 2012

    I am planning on cloth diapering, but this seems like such a great idea for having extra disposables on hand for grandparents or for trips away from home. I’m also really interested in the wipes and detergent… And that bag, LOVE IT!

  13. EHayes

    January 26, 2012

    I “like” PN on facebook

  14. Kathy

    January 26, 2012

    I’m having our second in May and on the surface it looks promising, albeit a bit pricey. It bothers me that diapers don’t have to disclose what’s inside them, so this is a welcome alternative.

  15. meg

    January 26, 2012

    How do I buy that bag???

  16. Nikki Frett

    January 26, 2012

    Visited and I LOVE the patterns on the diapers! The gray diaper bag is adorable and matches our stroller…. how fashionable : )

  17. Nikki Frett

    January 26, 2012

    also, I’m already a newsletter subscriber!

  18. Maggie

    January 26, 2012

    Like you guys on FB!

  19. Maggie

    January 26, 2012

    I’d love to try the bath products — shampoo and body wash that are non-toxic are so important to me!

  20. Maggie

    January 26, 2012

    Weekly newsletter subscriber!

  21. Carmen

    January 26, 2012

    I would be really interested in try the family essential bundle! And the diapers bundle would be a great addition to my cloth diapers for when we go out.

  22. Shayne

    January 26, 2012

    I checked out last week, and I’m very interested in the subscription services, especially for body care and cleaning products. I’m shocked at how affordable the products are.

  23. Shayne

    January 26, 2012

    I “like” Project Nursery on Facebook!

  24. Shayne

    January 26, 2012

    I now subscribe to the Project Nursery newsletter. Love that bag!

  25. sarah

    January 26, 2012

    I would probably try some of their cleaning products

  26. Kristi P

    January 26, 2012

    I love the diapers patterns and I would try it, but I don’t like that you can’t skip months. There is no way we would use 186 diapers at this point in a month. Delaying by 5 days is nothing. When I have a newborn though I might reconsider it since it is super stinking cute.

  27. Kristi P

    January 26, 2012

    I follow on twitter and retweeted the giveaway!

  28. Kristi P

    January 26, 2012

    I get the weekly newsletter!

  29. Kristi P

    January 26, 2012

    I follow on FB.

  30. RachS

    January 26, 2012

    I visited and will probably try it out!

  31. RachS

    January 26, 2012

    I ‘liked’ PN on facebook and gave a shout out.

  32. Stacie

    January 26, 2012

    I would love to try the diapers and the soap products too. I’m not certain that I would switch over though. The price is still almost double what I pay now and I don’t know that I would really need a monthly delivery. Can’t hurt to try it, though!

  33. Morgan

    January 26, 2012

    I would love to try it out! Sounds great!

  34. Morgan

    January 26, 2012

    I also subscribe to PN’s newsletter!
    Great giveaway, thanks!

  35. Caroline

    January 26, 2012

    heard about on the radio the other day…great idea and great products!

  36. Valerie C.

    January 26, 2012

    I like you on facebook and just commented on your wall.

  37. Valerie C.

    January 26, 2012

    I visited and plan on becoming a customer. I love the philosophy behind the line…..and the products are amazing!!

  38. Emily

    January 26, 2012

    Seems like good products! Would love to try them!

  39. Tania Perez

    January 26, 2012

    I would def try it once my baby arrives

  40. Lindsey N

    January 26, 2012

    I would try….Diaper designs are pretty cute!!!

  41. Lindsey N

    January 26, 2012

    I liked PN on FB!!!

  42. Valerie C.

    January 26, 2012

    I follow you on twitter and tweeted @dragonfly777

  43. Lindsey N

    January 26, 2012

    I am a newsletter subscriber…Love the diaper bag…

  44. Valerie C.

    January 26, 2012

    I’m a subscriber of yours too :)

  45. Jahje

    January 26, 2012

    Cute non-toxic diapers. What’s not to love? I would definitely try these!

  46. Jahje

    January 26, 2012

    I am a subscriber to PN Newsletter too

  47. Nicolette Capuano

    January 26, 2012

    This company looks fantastic. I love that they are so Eco and bay friendly. Just wish it was a bit more affordable. I would love to try these products.

  48. Paula

    January 26, 2012

    Would definitely try it!

  49. Nicolette Capuano

    January 26, 2012

    I am a fan of PN on FB :)

  50. Paula

    January 26, 2012

    Already a fan of PN on FB.

  51. Paula

    January 26, 2012

    Already a subscriber to the newsletter.

  52. Paula

    January 26, 2012

    Tweeted @lethe1998.

  53. Candice Yvette Garrett

    January 26, 2012

    I made a tweet on twitter! <3!/Candice_Garrett

  54. Shawna

    January 26, 2012

    It all sounds great & convinient. Love the diaper bag! Liked it.

  55. Stephanie S.

    January 26, 2012

    Oooh, I <3 the concept…and not just because it's by Jessica Alba! I really like that it is a customized system and the skull diapers I die for!!

  56. Candice Yvette Garrett

    January 26, 2012

    I made a comment on facebook!

    “I love Project Nursery!!! ” on Project Nursery’s Wall.

  57. Candice Yvette Garrett

    January 26, 2012

    I am also a subscriber to the Project Nursery newsletter!

  58. Kristin Hankins

    January 26, 2012

    We love project nursery on fb!

  59. Stephanie S.

    January 26, 2012

    I let you know I love this giveaway on your FB wall

  60. Mandy

    January 26, 2012

    Love the bag!!!

  61. Candice Yvette Garrett

    January 26, 2012

    Also, I love the Honesty Company website and concept. It is hands down the best thing out there right now for eco-friendly mothers like myself and the prices are AWESOME! This is also a great idea for expecting mothers to order ahead of time. This has just been bumped up to the top of my list if Baby Shower gifts!

  62. Stephanie S.

    January 26, 2012

    I am already a PN weekly newsletter subscriber ( and I follow your pins too :)

  63. Cami

    January 26, 2012

    I would definitely try Honest! Love the idea of eco-friendly products for our baby girl on the way!

  64. jessica ortega

    January 26, 2012

    Really like the bag and ready a subcriber :)

  65. Cami

    January 26, 2012

    Already a Facebook fan and just gave a shout-out about this giveaway. :)

  66. Teresa M.Espino

    January 26, 2012

    I would definitely try it. My family deserves clean, eco-friendly options for everyday life and this is a perfect way to find them. I also gave you a shout out on Facebook!

  67. Jenn H

    January 26, 2012

    Like you on FB and gave you na shout out on your wall!
    Jennifer Hillman

  68. Jenn H

    January 26, 2012

    I subscribe

  69. Cami

    January 26, 2012

    Just tweeted about it too! (!/wickedpaper/status/162574263470137344)

  70. Jennifer

    January 26, 2012

    I gave a shout out on your wall!!

  71. Jennifer

    January 26, 2012

    I have visited and I love the idea, but my son uses so many diapers a month that we would need to pay for two shipments a month and that would be pretty expensive for us.

  72. Jennifer

    January 26, 2012

    I subscribe to your newsletter!

  73. Jenn H

    January 26, 2012

    I would love to try honest co for sure, especially the baby detergent, my kids have sensitive skin and this would come in handy for us!

  74. Kim

    January 26, 2012

    I would try Though it is definitely more expensive than I would like.

  75. Cresta Castillo

    January 26, 2012

    Love the bags!!!

  76. Carrie

    January 26, 2012

    Love love the stylish diapers. I currently use mrs Meyers baby which I just found out they stopped making. I would love to try honest co products!

  77. Steph B

    January 26, 2012

    I “liked” Project Nursery on Facebook!

  78. Steph B

    January 26, 2012

    Steph B,

    And I’m loving the gray diaper bag and the contrasting yellow stitching- so modern and functional.

  79. Lisa W.

    January 26, 2012

    Love it! Am really intrigued……would love to try it out!

  80. Lisa W.

    January 26, 2012

    Am a huge Facebook follower!

  81. Allie

    January 26, 2012

    The diaper bag is gorgeous. I like the idea of Honest Co. and love the designs available on the diapers. My husband would love the skulls style for our son.

  82. Justine

    January 26, 2012

    I would definitely consider it, though I’m not sure it would end up being our choice. Love the bag though!!

  83. Marcia

    January 26, 2012

    Loved The Honest Company website…. and am very interested in the diaper bundle!!! Very excited to take the quiz and try it out

  84. Marcia

    January 26, 2012

    Liked Project Nursery on Facebook!

  85. Millie Whitworth

    January 26, 2012

    Will definitely try these products! They look great. Thank you Jessica Alba!

  86. Veronica

    January 26, 2012

    Love the idea! With #2 set to arrive any day…I love the idea of diapers & supplies arriving at my door!

  87. Veronica

    January 26, 2012

    Just posted on your wall….have liked you on FB for a long time :)

  88. Veronica

    January 26, 2012

    I am a subscriber too!

  89. Melissa

    January 26, 2012

    I visited the website and like the concept, but I’m not sure I’d want to commit immediately to a subscription service. It’d be nice if there was an option to first purchase individual items and then if you like them you can commit to a subscription. I do like the idea and that diaper bag is gorgeous!

  90. Kristen

    January 26, 2012

    Already a subscriber, and love all the ideas I get from your site!

  91. Kristen

    January 26, 2012

    And visited Hard to say whether or not I’d use their product. Seems that diapers are so different from baby to baby, I’d have to try it without commitment for a few days and see what happens. Also can’t really figure cost without setting up an account, which tends to turn me off. Hmmm. have to think about it.

  92. Christina O.

    January 26, 2012

    Love the bag and the website! The concept is great and affordable which is key!

  93. Christina O.

    January 26, 2012

    I already like project nursery on Facebook!

  94. Michelle Riebeek

    January 26, 2012

    I love the idea!

  95. Christina O.

    January 26, 2012

    I Subscribe to the newsletter!

  96. Sam

    January 26, 2012

    I visited the site and I love the diaper bag! I definitely think I would subscribe to the cleaning supplies and gift subscriptions to other moms-to-be!

  97. Kelly

    January 26, 2012

    Subscribe to the newsletter

  98. Kelly

    January 26, 2012

    liked on facebok

  99. Caitlin

    January 26, 2012

    I went to the site and I think I would try it. You would have to have backups though just in case you ran out and it wasn’t delivered for another day or two.

  100. Caitlin

    January 26, 2012

    I follow Project Nursery on Twitter

  101. Maranda

    January 26, 2012

    Already “like” Project Nursery on Facebook

  102. Megan

    January 26, 2012

    I just signed up for a trial to!

  103. Jade

    January 26, 2012

    I would totally try these diapers.

  104. Jade

    January 26, 2012

    I like Project Nursery!

  105. Jade

    January 26, 2012

    I subscribe!

  106. Laura

    January 26, 2012

    I visited and am pretty intrigued. My due date is about a month away and I still haven’t made a final decision on diapering, so I’ll be doing more research on the honest diapers.

  107. Laura

    January 26, 2012

    I subscribe to project nursery =)

  108. chelsea alexander

    January 26, 2012

    that diaper bag is perfect. And I thought I was set on diapering…but I don’t know now!

  109. chelsea alexander

    January 26, 2012

    I follow PN on FB!

  110. Melinda T

    January 26, 2012

    Great company! Both my girls have sensitive skin, so I’d love to try the laundry detergents!

  111. Melinda T

    January 26, 2012

    I like Project Nursery on fb.

  112. Katrina

    January 26, 2012

    I would definitely try it!

  113. Holly E

    January 26, 2012

    I had heard about a few weeks ago and already checked out their site. I can’t wait to use them when my baby arrives in a few more months!

  114. Bryn

    January 26, 2012

    I “liked” on Facebook and I subscribe.

    I already do the diapers by mail from Amazon, and use one of the “Eco-Friendly” brands there. I’m intrigued by this one…only wish they told how many diapers are in a 1 month supply. I love the designs though!

  115. Melinda T

    January 26, 2012

    I follow Project Nursery on twitter and tweeted.

  116. Krizia Martin

    January 26, 2012

    I visited the honest website the morning it opened, and allready enrolled and received the diapers! They are wonderful and my 17 month old runs around in them saying “pretty”! Finally stylish diapers that are healthy for baby and the environment with out having to spend a fortune!

  117. Melinda T

    January 26, 2012

    I’m a newsletter subscriber.

  118. Krizia martin

    January 26, 2012

    I am a subscriber to your weekly news letter!

  119. Krizia martin

    January 26, 2012

    I like project nursery on Facebook and left a comment!

  120. Kourtney Tew

    January 26, 2012

    I have visited the website a few times already and am debating signing up!! The diapers are surprisingly a good deal! When she was featured on Zulily I went ahead and purchased the newborn diapers to see if I like the quality before I sign up! So now its just waiting for my baby to arrive!!

  121. Kourtney Tew

    January 26, 2012

    I am a weekly newsletter subscriber!

  122. holly

    January 26, 2012

    I love the site and products, but I can’t seem to find where to purchase the diaper bag?

  123. Hannah

    January 26, 2012

    I love PN liked then on facebook

  124. Hannah

    January 26, 2012

    I think is a great idea and I love the bag! I’d definetely try a subscription!

  125. holly

    January 26, 2012

    Already subscribe to your weekly newsletters!

  126. Hannah

    January 26, 2012

    I subscribed to the newsletter

  127. holly

    January 26, 2012

    Love PN on facebook and sent you a comment!

  128. Emily B.

    January 26, 2012

    I visited the Honest website – looks like a great line of products! I’d love to try them.

  129. Mary

    January 26, 2012

    I love the idea and would definitely try out their service. Thanks for the giveaway!

  130. Emily B.

    January 26, 2012

    Following PN on Twitter (@MrsEmilyB)!

  131. amber fry

    January 26, 2012

    I checked out and they seem to have some great products that would really help out. I would love to try it out and see how they work. I think the diaper bag is amazing! I’ve been trying to find a diaper bag that is cheesy looking and could look like a purse, but haven’t found one I can afford. My fingers are crossed!

  132. Karen Lamport

    January 26, 2012

    Visited Would so sign up now but need to find out if they ship FPO.

  133. Karen Lamport

    January 26, 2012

    Already liked PN, left a shoot out! =)

  134. Karen Lamport

    January 26, 2012

    Already receive the newsletter. =) x’ing my fingers to win this fabulous bag!

  135. Krizia Martin

    January 26, 2012

    I follow PN on Twitter and Tweeted

  136. Megan

    January 26, 2012

    Those are the cutest diapers I have seen, the site it awesome!

  137. Kristin

    January 26, 2012

    I love this product line and am excited to try the products!

  138. LizB

    January 26, 2012

    I would definitely try the delivery service. The diapers alone are adorable!

  139. LizB

    January 26, 2012

    I am a Facebook fan of Project Nursery :)

  140. LizB

    January 26, 2012

    I also receive the PN newsletter (my favorite)!

  141. Joanne

    January 26, 2012

    I love the website. normally you can tell how a company runs by their website. I will absolutely use

  142. Joanne

    January 26, 2012

    I am a fb fan :)

  143. Joanne

    January 26, 2012

    I subscribe the WN.

  144. Amber C

    January 26, 2012

    I visited the site and love it! I’m signing up : )

  145. Sarah

    January 26, 2012

    Just signed up for the free trial! Cannot wait!

  146. Amy Wood

    January 26, 2012

    I visited the honest site and I love their diaper designs. Much more fashionable (and better for the environment) than other diaper brands. I love the convenience. I am signing up!

  147. Amy Wood

    January 26, 2012

    I like PN on Facebook.

  148. Kate B.

    January 26, 2012

    Oh I just love this!! I would definitely give it a try and I’m going to tell my husband about it tonight :) Expecting Baby #1 on April 8, 2012!

  149. Kate B.

    January 26, 2012

    I already “like” Project Nursery on Facebook! Look forward to their posts every day :)

  150. Jennifer W

    January 26, 2012

    I visited the website and it looks interesting. The diaper styles are adorable.

  151. Jennifer W

    January 26, 2012

    I am a subscriber to your newsletter.

  152. Kate B.

    January 26, 2012

    I’m already subscribed to the project nursery newsletter! :)

  153. Mary R.

    January 26, 2012

    I visited the Honest Site & I already “Like” Project Nursery.

  154. Kate B.

    January 26, 2012

    I follow you on twitter and will tweet about you as soon as I leave work :) Don’t want to get myself in trouble! haha

  155. Rachael

    January 26, 2012

    I would definitely try any of the new Honest products! love the bag

  156. Kelsie Rae

    January 26, 2012

    i would totally try it! what a genius idea!

  157. Christine

    January 26, 2012

    I think its a great idea and would be open to it, for sure.

  158. Noemi

    January 26, 2012

    Interesting!!! I just visited the Honest site and I believe it’s a great idea!!!

  159. Tiffany Fath

    January 26, 2012

    I would love to try these products!! Always looking for natural products!

  160. cruz Barajas

    January 26, 2012

    I just received my free trial and I loved the diapers and wipes for my 20 month year old. The Honest products are not only safe, non-toxic but their also so…. cute. I know that these new products are going to help many families like mine to be more aware of what products to use with our children. Thank you Honest Company for caring about our future and teaching us that being honest goes along way. .

  161. Danielle Harder

    January 26, 2012

    Love the diaper bag!!!! Such a great company!

  162. Ashley H.

    January 26, 2012

    Love The Honest Company website! I would definitely try it out! :)

  163. chandra lewis

    January 26, 2012

    I am a fan and a subscriber. Would love to try any of the great products!

  164. The Knapps

    January 26, 2012

    I would definitely try it…what a great idea!

  165. The Knapps

    January 26, 2012

    I like Project Nursery on Facebook and commented (Danielle Knapp)

  166. Hailey

    January 26, 2012

    I would definitely try it! Great products and that bag is awesome!

  167. Hailey

    January 26, 2012

    I “like” Project Nursery on Facebook and wrote on the wall.

  168. Freja

    January 26, 2012

    I already like Project Nursery on FB – and I shouted!

  169. Freja

    January 26, 2012

    I’m a subscriber!

  170. Elizabeth

    January 26, 2012

    I already like Project Nursery on Facebook.

  171. Elizabeth

    January 26, 2012

    I’m already a subscriber to your newsletter!

  172. Kerri M

    January 26, 2012

    I already like you on facebook!

  173. Kerri M

    January 26, 2012

    I’d be willing to give the cleaning products a try. The diapers seem a bit steep…

  174. brooke t

    January 26, 2012

    sure – for free

  175. brooke t

    January 26, 2012

    fb follower!

  176. brooke t

    January 26, 2012

    twitter follower and tweeted

  177. brooke t

    January 26, 2012

    i receive the emails

  178. Audrey

    January 26, 2012

    I would definitely try this stuff out! It sounds like just what I’m interested in!

  179. Kirsten

    January 26, 2012

    How cute is that bag?? I have been searching high and low for a diaper bag that is actually stylish. I love the concept of The Honest Company, and their products look great. Especially LOVE the fact that they’re non-toxic!

  180. designkate

    January 26, 2012

    I visited I’m really intersted in the cleaning products, and would be willing to try the diapers. It’d be great if they’d make cloth diapers too!

  181. designkate

    January 26, 2012

    I “liked” Project Nursery on facebook

  182. designkate

    January 26, 2012

    I subscribed to your ProjectNursery newsletter – so excited to receive them!

  183. Kirstin

    January 26, 2012

    Thank you for introducing the Honest Company…super excited to try their sunscreen. Gave you a shout out on facebook.

  184. Kirstin

    January 26, 2012

    Thank you for introducing the Honest Company…super excited to try their sunscreen. Gave you a shout out on twitter.

  185. Kirstin

    January 26, 2012

    I am already a subscriber. Love you guys!!

  186. Amanda Hays

    January 26, 2012

    I’d be open to trying!

  187. Tanya

    January 26, 2012

    I would definitely try it– I love the idea of biodegradable disposable diapers, since I desperately need convenience (so cloth diapers are out) but would like to be more eco-friendly!

  188. Amanda Hays

    January 26, 2012

    I follow you on Google Reader!

  189. Amanda Hays

    January 26, 2012

    I liked you on facebook!

  190. vera

    January 26, 2012

    Following on Twitter and twitted the giveaway!

  191. vera

    January 26, 2012

    Subscribed to the newsletter.

  192. Lynn @ The Svenson Life

    January 26, 2012

    Sure, I love trying new things!

  193. Erin

    January 26, 2012

    Yes, I’d love to try their products.

  194. Jasmin

    January 26, 2012

    I’ve subscribed to the newsletter

  195. Jasmin

    January 26, 2012

    I visited and would love to try out all of their products. The diaper bag is super cute!

  196. Jasmin

    January 26, 2012

    I like project nursery on Facebook!

  197. Jessica W

    January 26, 2012

    I was so excited when I first discovered a couple of weeks ago. I cant wait to try their diapers for my little one, due in March!

  198. Jessica W

    January 26, 2012

    I subscribe to your newsletter!

  199. Chris

    January 26, 2012

    I would want the diaper bundle

  200. Chris

    January 26, 2012

    I am subscribed to the newsletter

  201. emily

    January 26, 2012

    I am due in july wth my first and after reviewing the honest website, i cant wait to try it out!!! love this concept!!

  202. erika

    January 26, 2012

    i would most definitely try it! i love anything ‘green’! And i agree about the diaper bag, my husband would not mind carrying it around!

  203. erika

    January 26, 2012

    liked you on facebook!

  204. erika

    January 26, 2012

    following you on twitter!

  205. Anita Shumaker

    January 26, 2012

    This is such a cute diaper bag!

  206. courtney

    January 26, 2012

    I would definitely try it. I am always excited to see more non toxic products on the shelves.

  207. Bee

    January 26, 2012

    I wouldn’t give it a try, considering I’m unemployed and extremely frugal. I cloth diaper and buy my cleaning products bulk so they last me a long time!

  208. Heather S.

    January 26, 2012

    I saw the site but wasn’t 100% sure what was being sold or what the service was… seems I have to pretend or go through the process of joining to know what is involved. Your review gave more information than the site… I would love to try it but I don’t know that I would purchase it without a trial.

  209. amorette

    January 26, 2012

    i would try it- the idea is great, and the products are pretty at least!

  210. Heather S.

    January 26, 2012

    I like you on Facebook and wrote a note!

  211. Heather S.

    January 26, 2012

    I follow you on twitter and tweeted:!/HSongSays/status/162743419238752256

  212. amorette

    January 26, 2012

    like PN on FB, and posted!

  213. Heather S.

    January 26, 2012

    I subscribe to your newsletter

  214. amorette

    January 26, 2012

    follow on twitter @amidrex

  215. amorette

    January 26, 2012

    i get the newsletter!

  216. Emily

    January 26, 2012

    Went to the website – not sure if I’d try it. With an almost 2 year old we definitely don’t spend $20 a week on diapers. But the cleaning/bath products look good!

  217. S.Harris

    January 26, 2012

    Website could use a little more in-depth description…I would assume the diapers are reusable/washable not toss-away or aren’t they? Not specified. Did I miss it? Regardless, I’m interested in the cleaning/bath products for my two-year-old daughter and the diapering set for my newborn baby girl due in the next two weeks…Fair prices, the subscription seems worthy but I can see how the commitment can be scary, but HONEST is ok with you canceling anytime…I would try the bath/cleaning set first for sure – chat with the hubby about it first…I easily spend that on all-natural shampoo/body wash and lotion alone…Nice work, J.Alba!

  218. Stacy

    January 26, 2012

    It sounds like a good product line, but I don’t think I could afford it. Plus, I don’t really care if my toddler’s diapers are stylish, so I don’t see that as a plus. I bet I’d be impressed by the sunscreen though–25% zinc oxide, wow!

  219. S.Harris

    January 26, 2012

    I “like” PN on FB too! :)

  220. Stacy

    January 26, 2012

    Following Project Nursery on Twitter and tweeted about the giveaway.

  221. Stacy

    January 26, 2012

    I subscribe to the weekly newsletter.

  222. ashlee

    January 26, 2012

    i’m a twitter follower!

  223. ashlee

    January 26, 2012

    …and a facebook follower :)

  224. ashlee

    January 26, 2012

    i subscribe to the newsletter too!

  225. Bria

    January 26, 2012

    I visited the Honest website the day that they launched, I saw a great deal for them on Zulily and wanted to check them out. I really like the idea of safer/greener diapers, we’re trying to stay away from chemicals and other hazards as much as we can with our little one.

  226. Bria

    January 26, 2012

    liked you on FB

  227. Bria

    January 26, 2012

    And just subscribed to your newsletter

  228. channtal

    January 26, 2012

    Me gusto mucho, totally a great concept!

  229. Syelvia

    January 26, 2012

    My due is April 14th, this is our 1st child and we’re expecting a baby girl. How exciting & i’d wear this bag with proud!

  230. Ana

    January 27, 2012

    I like u on fb

  231. Miranda Welle

    January 27, 2012

    I think this sounds great! I would definitely consider trying it!

  232. Miranda Welle

    January 27, 2012

    Step 1 complete.

  233. Miranda Welle

    January 27, 2012

    Step 2 complete!!/4649miranda/status/162903817258672129

  234. Miranda Welle

    January 27, 2012


  235. Ashley

    January 27, 2012

    Hey! I am absolutely in love with the honest company! I have told literally all my friends about it…how exciting to see it featured on project nursery! Which is another one of my favorite sites I check every day! I am already a subscriber and just gave you a shout out on my facebook wall! But I really stand behind Jessica and Chris’s convictions and am so excited that something that is affordable and safe for our little ones finally exists. :]

    btw. that diaper bag is gorgeous, can yal please share where we can find this line for those of us who don’t win it

  236. Kelly K

    January 27, 2012

    It’s an interesting site! Thanks for the inside scoop! And I love that diaper bag. I really need one (the one I have is way too small!)

  237. joy person

    January 27, 2012

    Checked them out and I already ordered my trial pack!!! My daughter has perioral dermatitis so I look for organic and products without ALS and SLS.

  238. joy person

    January 27, 2012

    Like project nursery on facebook and gave you all a shout out!

  239. joy person

    January 27, 2012

    Follow project nursery on twitter and tweeted!!!!/SABRINAJOY57/status/162923699912192000

  240. joy person

    January 27, 2012

    already a subscriber :D

  241. Brie Rivera

    January 27, 2012

    i’m already a subscriber to newsletter

  242. Brie Rivera

    January 27, 2012

    great idea for the environment and looks easy to use. i’d try it!

  243. Samantha Carvell

    January 27, 2012

    I checked out the website, and this seems like such a wonderful concept and company! I’m due any day now with my first, and I can’t wait to try them out!!

  244. Samantha Carvell

    January 27, 2012

    I am a newsletter subscriber too! :)

  245. Jennifer

    January 27, 2012

    What a pretty diaper bag ! I’m a first time mommy due in August :)

  246. Samantha Carvell

    January 27, 2012

    I also ‘liked’ Project Nursery on Facebook and left some love on the PN wall!

  247. Staci A

    January 27, 2012

    It looks great! I would love to try it!

  248. Staci A

    January 27, 2012

    I get your newsletter. Thanks!

  249. Amy

    January 27, 2012

    After years of trying to conceive and 2 miscarriages, we are finally at 16 weeks…this pregnancy is high risk and we were told from the beginning this baby wouldn’t make it…Praying for our miracle who has so far defied the odds and when he/she gets here I plan on doing all I can to keep this baby safe! Love the concept of Honest ..Hope I get a chance to try it!

  250. Britt

    January 27, 2012

    I just signed up for the trial on I’m pretty excited and hoping I’ll like it enough to stick with it. I am a subscriber and a “liker”! I love the diaper bag!!

  251. Stephanie

    January 27, 2012

    Great idea, and the sunscreen would be an essential here in sunny Colorado. Cute diaper bag–I’m in the market for one!

  252. Stephanie

    January 27, 2012

    I follow you on FB.

  253. Stephanie

    January 27, 2012

    I subscribe to your newsletter too.

  254. Vanessa

    January 27, 2012

    I gave birth to my first child, a beautiful baby girl, last December! I enrolled and became a member of The Honest Company. The products are a very great idea. I’m all about what’s safe for my little one! Tried out the Discovery Kit & should be receiving it in the mail soon. I can’t wait! :)

  255. Vanessa

    January 27, 2012

    Just subscribed to your newsletter too! ;)

  256. Karina Lee

    January 27, 2012

    I visited the site and i think it sounds like a great idea

  257. Karina Lee

    January 27, 2012

    i like project nursery on facebook and gave a shout out

  258. Karina Lee

    January 27, 2012

    i follow project nursery on twitter and tweeted

  259. Caitlyn

    January 27, 2012

    I would definitely want to try these diapers before joining the service, because they are expensive and I’d need to know they were worth it!

  260. Kelly | Blushink

    January 27, 2012

    I can’t WAIT until Honest is available in Canada. I tweeted them and they said that they are working on going international. I would LOVE to win this bag and hopefully have them come to Canada sooner than later!!!

  261. Jas

    January 27, 2012

    i subscribe to the newsletter

  262. Jas

    January 27, 2012

    i “like” project nursery on facebook

  263. Jas

    January 27, 2012

    i visited the site. i love the diaper bag!

  264. Lindsey

    January 27, 2012

    Visited the site…looks fun! Love the diaper bag.

  265. cruz Barajas

    January 27, 2012

    I just received my free trial an i loved the diapers and wipes for my 20 month year old. Their products are safe, non-toxic and also so cute. I know your products are going to help many families like mine to be more aware of which products to use for our children. Thank you Honest Company for caring about our future and teaching us that being honest goes along way..

  266. Elena

    January 27, 2012

    i like project nursery on facebook and gave a shout out

  267. Nidia

    January 27, 2012

    Visited and liked the website…products look cool and will for sure try them out.

  268. Laura

    January 27, 2012

    Love it love it love it!! Your product is genius, Thank You!! Following Project Nursery..

  269. Ange @ GnomeAngel

    January 27, 2012

    Visited the site. Love the cleaning products. Really digging the skull and cross bone patterned nappies.

  270. Ange @ GnomeAngel

    January 27, 2012

    Follow on Twitter

  271. Ange @ GnomeAngel

    January 27, 2012

    Subscribe to newsletter

  272. Nicole

    January 27, 2012

    I think I would give it a try..being a first time Mom, I have no idea what to expect!

  273. Nicole

    January 27, 2012

    i follow you on FB!! gave a shout out :)
    nicole stefan imschweiler

  274. Elena

    January 27, 2012

    Following Project Nursery on Twitter and tweeted about the giveaway.

  275. Lindsay Zimliki

    January 27, 2012

    I visited the website and yes I would try it!

  276. Lindsay Zimliki

    January 27, 2012

    I am already a project nursery subscriber!

  277. Nicole

    January 27, 2012

    Follow on Twitter! and tweeted!!/NikkiLiz43/status/163021592513871875

  278. Lindsay Zimliki

    January 27, 2012

    I already Like you on FB so I gave you a shout out on your wall!

  279. Lindsay Zimliki

    January 27, 2012

    I already follow you on Twitter, but I’ve tweeted about your giveaway!

  280. Nicole

    January 27, 2012

    i get the newsletter!!!

  281. maymalabonga

    January 27, 2012

    i sign up and visited the site…i like it…love the diaper bag too…

  282. maymalabonga

    January 27, 2012

    i twitted that i sign up

  283. Crystal Sard

    January 27, 2012

    I Liked Project Nursery on Facebook and wrote on their wall.

  284. Lauren

    January 27, 2012

    I visited the site and i would love to try the diapers — and the bag is great!!

  285. Crystal Sard

    January 27, 2012

    I followed Project Nursery on Twitter and tweeted about it.

  286. Crystal Sard

    January 27, 2012

    I’m subscribed to the weekly newsletter.

  287. teandra

    January 27, 2012

    I just heard about and by reading the website it looks like something i would try when i have kids

  288. Crystal Sard

    January 27, 2012

    I visited the site and it looks pretty awesome. Definitely something I’m interested in. The bag looks amazing. I will be needing one for my little baby boy due in May.

  289. maymalabonga

    January 27, 2012

    i want to try it but dont have money yet..but for sure ill try it

  290. Michelle LM

    January 27, 2012

    I love natural cleaning products and the fact you can order a free trial!

  291. Abbie

    January 27, 2012

    I would definitely try it. I’m always looking for products that are non-toxic and healthy for my son.

  292. Jess (The Cozy Reader)

    January 27, 2012

    I signed up for on the 18th! I got an amazing offer through for the diaper bundle at 50% off! :)

    I got the diapers and wipes in the mail yesterday and couldn’t be happier so far! They’re adorable and so far have worked great.

    I’m not sure if I’ll continue with the subscription because of the price point but if I find that these diapers work better or leave my baby happier then I might just keep getting them. :)

  293. Jess (The Cozy Reader)

    January 27, 2012

    I like you all on FB and I also like The Honest Company on there too.

  294. Jess (The Cozy Reader)

    January 27, 2012

    I follow on Twitter! (@acozyreader)

  295. Jess (The Cozy Reader)

    January 27, 2012

    I subscribe to the newsletter (junklekennedy @

  296. Jen

    January 28, 2012

    Just found your site, lov it! Regarding The Honest Company, I tried the sample kit and loved the diapers, body wash, hand soap… Well everything! The packaging is beautiful and spa like. Waiting on my first two bundles to arrive Monday. And, so far I have ben very impressed with all of the info and customer service. Seems to be a stand up company, and there is something about Jessica Alba that makes you totally believe in the products and company.

  297. Amy

    January 28, 2012

    Liked you on FB! ;-)

  298. strawberrysh

    January 28, 2012

    I get your wonderful newsletter :)

  299. strawberrysh

    January 28, 2012

    I follow on Twitter. strawberrysh12

  300. strawberrysh

    January 28, 2012

    I like PN on Facebook :)

  301. strawberrysh

    January 28, 2012

    I love this giveaway and this new concept of The Honest Company!

  302. Andrena

    January 28, 2012

    What a great way to get people interested in the product and allow them to try.

  303. Christine

    January 28, 2012

    While I’m a little wary of some celebrity projects, after taking a look at The Honest Company it really seems like a genuine effort to provide safe, affordable, eco-friendly choices for baby products. I would TOTALLY try it, and I like their social responsibility and commitments to health and sustainability.

  304. Betsy

    January 28, 2012

    Absolutely love this diaper bag! looks very cute too, I might give it a try!

  305. Stephanie C

    January 28, 2012

    This looks like a great idea! I’m a little weary that there’s no price tag until you go through the whole set-up, but I’d definitely give it a try!

  306. Janssa

    January 28, 2012

    I am a fb follower!

  307. Rachael

    January 28, 2012

    Love the diaper bag! I would definitely try it out.

  308. Rachael

    January 28, 2012

    I’m also subscribed to the newsletter :)

  309. Tyler

    January 28, 2012 looks interesting. May have to try some of their products.

  310. lynda

    January 28, 2012

    Seems like an interesting concept. Would like to get a trial of the product line for sure.

  311. lynda

    January 28, 2012

    Follow Project Nursery on Facebook.

  312. Erin

    January 29, 2012

    Very cool idea and a lovely website. It’s something to consider…I’ve got a lot of research to do!

  313. Heather

    January 29, 2012

    The diaper bag looks great and I’m intrigued by the products. I do wish there was more information about the amount of product provided per month and the cost involved.

  314. Jessica

    January 29, 2012

    Love the Honest diaper bag!!! Following you on facebook and get the newsletter!! I love all your great ideas and the products you find!!

  315. Heather Slater

    January 29, 2012

    I love the philosophy of Jessica’s company! I would definitely try their products! Thanks for another great giveaway!

  316. Heather Slater

    January 29, 2012

    I am your fan on facebook and wrote on your wall!

  317. Heather Slater

    January 29, 2012

    I follow you on twitter and tweeted about this giveaway! @heathernurse

  318. Heather Slater

    January 29, 2012

    Longtime newsletter subscriber!!

  319. Nicole

    January 29, 2012

    Love the design of the diaper bag and how big it is. Being a mom of…well soon to be a mom of two kids, it would be nice to find a way to be eco-friendly on a cheaper level. Although I’ll have to check out the quantities you get for “$20” a week. Sounds promising!! Thanks for the info!!

  320. Andrea

    January 29, 2012

    I visited and and I would love to give it a try. Natural products on my babies skin are definitely important to me. And it’s affordable for our family!

  321. Andrea

    January 29, 2012

    I follow you on twitter and tweeted!!/ampaetka/status/163705512062496768

  322. Andrea

    January 29, 2012

    I’m a subscriber!

  323. Lizabeth Olivier

    January 29, 2012

    I am so excited about Jessica Alba’s Honest Company! I gave a shout out on Facebook & I’m hoping to enter the diaper bag contest!

  324. valena

    January 29, 2012

    I am in love with it! It looks cute from the picture and the website looks fantastic. HOpefully I win it so I can come back on here and testify of it from first-hand experience!

  325. Aubrey

    January 29, 2012

    I love the idea of the Eco-friendly products for my baby, the idea of the delivery system is totally different from anything I’ve seen. I’m definitely going to look into it. Ps love the site and her story!

  326. Barbara

    January 29, 2012

    I’m very intrigued by the new Honest line. I may give it a try! That bag is FABULOUS!

  327. Andrea

    January 29, 2012

    I ordered the diaper bundle and LOVE them. They are super absorbent, really cute and I love that they come monthly.

  328. Christina

    January 29, 2012

    I like the idea of safe natural diapers so I may give it a try!

  329. Christina

    January 29, 2012

    I followed on twitter and tweeted!!/cmc2314/status/163784524394799104

  330. Christina

    January 29, 2012

    I subscribe to the newsletter!

  331. barbara

    January 29, 2012

    I am trying the diapers…signed up for a sample! very excited to see how they work! also love the adorable diaper bag!

  332. Kathy

    January 29, 2012

    well im kinda new at being a mommy an need all the help i can get an i really do need a diaper bag , i had a baby shower but all i got were diapers lol :) i would greatly appriciate it if i could get one and i love this site it really offers alot.

  333. Jessica

    January 29, 2012

    I love the bag and would love to try the line of products!!!

  334. Dorea

    January 29, 2012

    I am about to be first time mom – due on Feb. 27th with a little girl! I have been doing research on the best products for my new little one and have decided that we will definitely be trying the Honest Company’s line of diapers. We are always looking for ideas and advice which is how I came across this site… and have now liked Project Nursery on Facebook! The bag is a perfect solution to the proliferation of “ultra-girlie” diaper bags that my boyfriend has been dreading carrying.. so we would definitely put it to good use! :)

  335. Anne Lehnick

    January 29, 2012

    I would totally try it! I don’t need the baby goods because I use cloth diapers, but the home items and some of the personal products would be great for our family.

  336. Dorea

    January 29, 2012

    Ah – just realized you asked for an individual comment for each entry… so here is my second to let you know of the shoutout on your Facebook page!

  337. Dorea

    January 29, 2012

    Newest subscriber to your newsletter here!

  338. Dana A

    January 29, 2012

    I love the diaper bag and after going on the site, yes i might give it a try.

  339. Dana A

    January 29, 2012

    i subscribe to your weekly newsletter.

  340. Melissa Anderson

    January 29, 2012

    Cool website and glad you shared!

  341. Melissa Anderson

    January 29, 2012

    Follower on Facebook.

  342. Melissa Anderson

    January 29, 2012

    I also get the weekly newsletter.

  343. Danielle

    January 29, 2012

    My mother in law told me about The Honest Co. today and I signed up for it! I’m so excited to get my trial :)

  344. Danielle

    January 29, 2012

    I liked Project Nursery on Facebook and wrote on your wall!

  345. Diana G

    January 29, 2012 looks interesting. Definitely would like to try their products.

  346. Diana G

    January 29, 2012

    Already “like” you on fb and wrote on your wall, “love your site”

  347. Diana G

    January 29, 2012

    Already a subscriber to the newsletter:)

  348. Betsy G

    January 29, 2012

    I am in love with this diaper bag. I think this company looks really great and I would be willing to try their products.

  349. Janelle Wolfe

    January 29, 2012

    I took a good look at and I think it’s beautiful! The concept is awesome, and the site is beautiful. I’m so happy that there are healthy options for our babies!!

  350. Janelle Wolfe

    January 29, 2012

    I “liked” Project Nursery on facebook… can’t wait to see all the cool stuff on my feed!

  351. Janelle Wolfe

    January 29, 2012

    @NurseLobo is now following you on twitter! Excited to read your great tweets!

  352. Janelle Wolfe

    January 29, 2012

    Just subscribed to your newsletter…. can I win the diaper bag now? Excited to see your newsletter!!

  353. Shalene Pasalo

    January 30, 2012

    Beautiful, colorful, & insightful… I am loving Project Nursery. As a first-time mother to quadruplets, I definitely can use all the advice and tips I can get. Great job to the design of the Honest company diaper bag. My husband(who already carries my purse for me) definitely would appreciate me having a diaper bag that is masculine. Seeing this I’d compromise now.

  354. Shalene Pasalo

    January 30, 2012

    I’d love to try products just because the products has none of the toxic ingredients that would harm our babies. Glad there are more and more products that care for our health and our environment.

  355. Jessica B

    January 30, 2012

    I have kind of been stalking the honest company since I heard about it months ago- I couldn’t wait to try out the products! This is the first time I have heard about the diaper bag though! Must have! Thanks for doing the giveaway!

  356. Jessica B

    January 30, 2012

    I subscribed to the newsletter! Thanks!

  357. Christy Smith

    January 30, 2012

    LOVE this bag! And I absolutely love following you on pinterest!

  358. Van

    January 30, 2012

    These diapers are amazing! My daughter loves the different designs. Will be doing the monthly for sure!

  359. Caroline

    January 30, 2012

    Just checked out! This is a company I would definitely consider. Would love to win the diaper bag!

  360. Elena

    January 30, 2012

    I’m already a subscriber to the weekly newsletter

  361. staci berrey

    January 30, 2012

    Women like this inspire me. The cleaning products sound awesome and are so needed, I am gonna for sure check them out as I too can’t handle a lot of the harsh, perfumed cleaning products myself. Companies started by moms with kid friendly products in mind – LOVE – and the name is prefect. Excited about the company & the gorgeous diaper bag!!

  362. Tian Kinasih

    January 30, 2012

    I would like to try it, natural ingredients,eco-friendly diapers with diapers bag! thank you for hosting the giveaway!

  363. Tian Kinasih

    January 30, 2012

    Like Project Nursery on facebook and posted a shout out:

  364. Tian Kinasih

    January 30, 2012

    Follow Project Nursery on Twitter, tweet:!/tiankinasih/status/164027202206302208

  365. Tian Kinasih

    January 30, 2012

    Subscribe to Project Nursery Weekly Newsletter.

  366. Ann Webster

    January 30, 2012

    I just “liked” you on Facebook and left a message. Looking forward to Product Nursery updates and I love the Honest Company and I’m glad you are hosting this diaper bag giveaway!

  367. Lorraine Marie Deichert

    January 30, 2012

    Not only did I check out the Honest Company, I signed up! I have been following the company via Facebook! Excited to get my sample pack! Hopefully I can score the diaper bag! Sweet! Love for what it stands for!

  368. Audrey M.

    January 30, 2012

    I am trying the trial!

  369. Audrey M.

    January 30, 2012

    Like y’all on facebook & left a comment on your wall!

  370. Audrey M.

    January 30, 2012

    Following y’all on twitter!

  371. Audrey M.

    January 30, 2012

    Already subscribed to the newsletter!

  372. Lorraine Marie Deichert

    January 30, 2012

    Left my shout out!!/projectnursery/posts/10150493821141396

  373. Lorraine Marie Deichert

    January 30, 2012

    I’m a subscriber. :)

  374. Ann

    January 30, 2012

    What a beautifully simple diaper bag! I would love to win this bag. One thing I noted on the Honest Company’s website is that this bag is not listed among their products.

  375. Ann

    January 30, 2012

    I am a newsletter subscriber.

  376. Brigit

    January 30, 2012

    Just checked out! This is a company I would definitely consider. Love that it has natural products. As a first time mom I am researching a LOT! I would love to win the diaper bag, it looks functional AND fashionable!

  377. Crystal

    January 30, 2012

    I would love to try the products from The Honest Company! Adorable and eco friendly.

  378. Crystal

    January 30, 2012

    I’m a subscriber.

  379. Mal

    January 30, 2012

    I just subscribed via Twitter, and I also subscribed to earlier this morning! I’m really looking forward to getting my products in the mail. I’ve been doing a lot of research, and LOVE this idea! Love this diaper bag, too! It matches my stroller/car seat!


  380. Crystal

    January 30, 2012

    “Like” you on facebook and just left a message

  381. Tiffany

    January 30, 2012

    I love the feel of the Honest company website. It is beautiful, modern and made me feel like my family’s style and needs are valued.

  382. regina

    January 30, 2012

    Love this new company and products!

  383. Penny

    January 30, 2012

    Loving the stylish diapers. Thinking of signing up for the trial at once our little guy arrives.

  384. Molly Bussler

    January 30, 2012

    I would love to try products just because the products have no harmful toxic ingredients, totally safe for my baby.

  385. Molly Bussler

    January 30, 2012

    Liking Project Nursery on Facebook and left a comment that I entered.

  386. Molly Bussler

    January 30, 2012

    Following Project Nursery on Twitter @mollydo2 and tweeted the giveaway

  387. Molly Bussler

    January 30, 2012

    Newsletter Subscriber

  388. Heidi

    January 30, 2012

    I “liked” Project Nursery ages ago and I love them!!!! Would love to win the cool Honest diaper bag!

  389. Ginger

    January 30, 2012

    LOVE Honest’s products. I love what the company stands for and their customer service is amazing. I’ve asked several questions and they have answered them all promptly and they are all so cheerful! I would LOOOOOVE to win this!!!

  390. Anne Lehnick

    January 30, 2012

    I like Project Nursery on Facebook and commented:

  391. Anne Lehnick

    January 30, 2012

    I follow on Twitter and tweeted:!/candyland0606/status/164180534203916288

  392. Anne Lehnick

    January 30, 2012

    I am already a newsletter subscriber

  393. katie

    January 30, 2012

    I have visited their website many times and am so excited to try their trial supplies :) I use cloth diapers but i use disposables here and there and would LOVE to use theirs…super excited about their other products!!!! YAY :)

  394. katie

    January 30, 2012

    I left you a comment on your facebook page :)

  395. Patricia

    January 30, 2012

    Just liked project nursery on fb! Hoping to win!

  396. Patricia

    January 30, 2012

    Visited and I am definitely going to try the products even if I don’t win!

  397. Vanda McKay

    January 31, 2012

    “Like” Project Nursery on facebook and commented.

  398. cara

    January 31, 2012

    I subscribed to your email list!

  399. cara

    January 31, 2012

    I followed you on twitter and gave you a shout out there!

  400. cara

    January 31, 2012

    I liked you on Facebook and wrote on your wall!

  401. cara

    January 31, 2012

    I checked out the Honest company website. love the design and the concept. looking forward to finding out more as my due date approaches.

  402. Lizzie

    January 31, 2012

    I would definitely try Honest out.

  403. Lizzie

    January 31, 2012

    I subsribe to PN emails.

  404. Casey

    January 31, 2012

    “liked” on FB :) Love this bag!

  405. Casey

    January 31, 2012

    “tweeted”!! Looking forward to trying Honest out!

  406. Casey

    January 31, 2012

    subscribed”!! I am interested in the diapers, would love to give them a try!

  407. Casey

    January 31, 2012

    Visited the Honest company website, and really seems like some great products!

  408. Tammy

    January 31, 2012

    I shouted out to ya on Facebook!

  409. Tammy

    January 31, 2012

    I tweeted about the Honest Co. giveaway!!/pinkpearls74/status/164338530703773696

  410. Tammy

    January 31, 2012

    I’m a subscriber of the PN newsletter! Love it!

  411. Jenny

    January 31, 2012

    I visited the Honest Company’s Website and not only do I love the concept and design of the diapers. The site its self is simple clean and easy to use, which I’m sure is a reflection of its products. Can’t wait to try!

  412. Jenny

    January 31, 2012

    I too am a recent member of PN. Love this site!

  413. Shelly

    January 31, 2012

    I am a subscriber of PN newsletter and I also checked out the Honest Co. looks like amazing stuff!

  414. Jenny

    January 31, 2012

    I shouted out to ya on facebook.

  415. Kristin

    January 31, 2012

    I wouldn’t mind trying out Honest.

  416. Jamie

    January 31, 2012

    I just checked out the website. Looks great! I am due in a few weeks and may try it out.

  417. Jamie

    January 31, 2012

    I subscribe to the PN newsletter.

  418. Heather

    January 31, 2012 is on the right track…I love what the company is trying to do for our communities and the environment. I will definitely give their products a go for my 9 month old son.

  419. Heather

    January 31, 2012

    Just checked out and “liked” your FB page too! :)

  420. Vickie

    January 31, 2012

    I checked out the website and signed up for the free trial! Excited to learn more about their products.

  421. Vickie

    January 31, 2012

    I like Project Nursery on Facebook

  422. Vickie

    January 31, 2012

    I follow you on Twitter

  423. Vickie

    January 31, 2012

    I already subscribed to your newsletter!

  424. Erika

    January 31, 2012

    I subscribed to the newsletter now too!

  425. Emily

    January 31, 2012

    Visited the site. Would definitely try. The diapers are so cute!

  426. heatherp014

    January 31, 2012

    I checked out I would definately try these diapers! What a eco save! I also ‘liked’ it on fb! :)

  427. Trish

    January 31, 2012

    Preparing for my first baby and the Honest company is great find. Looking for products that are good for my baby and this site will help with that!

  428. anneke

    January 31, 2012

    I visited and would love to try em! Such cute designs on the diapers

  429. anneke

    January 31, 2012

    i subscribe to the newsletter

  430. Meghan

    January 31, 2012

    I think this idea is pretty neat! The fact that it ships right to your house is amazing, what a timesaver!

  431. Donielle

    January 31, 2012

    Always looking for environmentally friendly baby products. I visited the Honest Company website, and I am so excited about it!

  432. Katie

    January 31, 2012

    Just checked out and ordered a sample pack!

  433. Donielle

    January 31, 2012

    I visited Facebook and “liked” PN!

  434. Donielle

    January 31, 2012

    Love getting new ideas from PN as a subscriber!

  435. Dawn Mansley

    January 31, 2012

    Just received the diaper and essentials sample kits yesterday. Already loving the diapers! First time a BM did not result in a change of clothes or unplanned bath for my little one. Looking forward to trying the baby wash and laundry detergent.

  436. Jessica H.

    January 31, 2012

    I visited the website and am super pumped. Juggling two boys 2 yrs and under, while working full time, I have a lot of things on auto so I don’t forget. This service would be perfect!! I also subscribe to the newletter and like PN on facebook.

  437. Erin

    January 31, 2012

    I just registered on the website and I’m so excited to get my Family Essentials Bundle! I can’t wait to try the products!

  438. Erin

    January 31, 2012

    I also subscribe to Project Nursery and get the newsletters–I LOVE them! So many great ideas!

  439. Erin

    January 31, 2012

    And of course I “Like” PN on facebook too!

  440. Chloe

    January 31, 2012

    It does definitely look interesting. If I wasn’t doing cloth diapers, the natural diapers would be the main draw for me.

  441. Chloe

    January 31, 2012

    I liked PN on facebook.

  442. Vanessa

    January 31, 2012

    I LOVE that bag! I will definately be using this site to buy cleaning products and laundry detergent. I’m so glad Jessica has done the research for me! Thanks!

  443. Chloe

    January 31, 2012

    I’m subscribed to the newsletter.

  444. Vanessa

    January 31, 2012

    I also have already liked “project nursery” on facebook and get the weekly newsletter.

  445. Vanessa

    January 31, 2012

    I would give Honest a try. I’m still deciding which route to take

  446. Vanessa

    January 31, 2012

    I’m also a suscriber

  447. Kristin

    January 31, 2012

    Visited – got the sample package! Can’t wait for our little guy to arrive so we can try them. Really adorable.

  448. Chwang

    January 31, 2012

    Visited and loved it! Trying their sample!

  449. Mercedes

    January 31, 2012

    I really like the concept and would definitely try it

  450. Mercedes

    January 31, 2012

    I subscribe to your newsletter

  451. ashley

    January 31, 2012

    I would try out honest monthly delivery if I had a newborn, because who really wants to leave the house just to get the things you need, when they can be delivered to your door!

  452. ashley

    January 31, 2012

    commented on PN fb wall “thanks for the honest company opportunity!” FB fan :) – Ashley O.

  453. Stefanie

    January 31, 2012

    I had just checked out about a week and a half ago and was totally impressed. Even their free first order was awesome- the only thing was that I can’t afford the shipping and handling just yet!! I would love to win the diaper bag!

  454. ashley

    January 31, 2012


  455. ashley

    January 31, 2012

    PN subscriber!

  456. Stefanie

    January 31, 2012

    Also commented on Facebook- “Love the Honest Company diaper bag giveaway! Love Project Nursery!”

  457. Stevi Fitzgerald

    January 31, 2012

    I have visited this website, and I have not ever thought about using these types of diapers till I saw that I could possibly afford it. The look awesome and would love to win this!

  458. Stevi Fitzgerald

    January 31, 2012

    Commented on facebook, I have lots of friends and that are also expecting and I think they will love this site, as well

  459. Stevi Fitzgerald

    January 31, 2012

    I receive your weekly newsletter and really enjoy the ideas.

  460. Sarah (Oakland, California)

    January 31, 2012 is really an innovative approach to natural products availability and education! As a mother of a toddler and one on the way in June I can tell you that an eco-minded mother has frustrations on trying to find the safest non-toxic, healthiest baby and family products around in local stores and takes the stress of that with their diapers and essentials monthly subscription. It’s reassuring that there is a one stop shop for my safe and healthy family needs! I don’t mind paying al little more knowing that I am providing healthy products to my children. Great job Jessica!

  461. Holly

    January 31, 2012

    I receive your weekly newsletter and also “like” you on FB. I love how personalizes everything for your specific needs and family. It’s a great idea!

  462. Michelle

    January 31, 2012

    I’m not sure if I’d try a subscription like I think in theory it’s a great concept – especially since I’m all about trying to use non-harmful products for my family – but I’m not sure if I’d like to be committed to it for more than one month for example. The other issue, to get started, you need to enter whether your youngest is a boy or a girl. I’m due April 30 and we are not finding out the gender, so I won’t be able to even do a trial until then, which kind of bums me out. I think I’ll bookmark it for a later trial though!

  463. Michelle

    January 31, 2012

    I LIKED you on FB!


  464. Amandine hom

    January 31, 2012

    I “love” you sur FB and receive your newsletter as well. I cannot wait to try it out!

  465. Heidi

    January 31, 2012

    I have never heard of this before but it does look very intriguing. Not sure if I would try it or not, still seems pretty expensive for our household budget.

  466. Jen

    January 31, 2012

    I would try them! Especially for the smaller sizes when convienence is so important.

  467. Cheyenne

    January 31, 2012

    Excellent idea — this company makes it easy to get everything you need when you have a new baby in one place. Genius. And not too expensive.

  468. Cheyenne

    January 31, 2012

    Love getting your newsletters!

  469. Cheyenne

    January 31, 2012

    I’m a FB fan!

  470. Kellie O'Shields

    January 31, 2012

    I visited the website and would totally try this! I think it is great they also give back to charity with every single purchase made.

  471. Kellie O'Shields

    January 31, 2012

    I like Project Nursery on Facebook and gave you guys a shout out on your wall!

  472. Kellie O'Shields

    January 31, 2012

    I follow Project Nursery on Twitter and tweeted at:!/Ireland77L/status/164423424079446017

  473. Kellie O'Shields

    January 31, 2012

    I am a subscriber to the Weekly Newsletter! Love it!!!!

  474. charissa

    January 31, 2012

    i like the cleaning products

  475. charissa

    January 31, 2012

    subscribe to your newsletter

  476. charissa

    January 31, 2012

    like you on fb

  477. charissa

    January 31, 2012

    follow you on twitter

  478. Brooke Ober

    January 31, 2012

    Have been a subscriber for couple years now and really enjoy the newsletters.

  479. Jeanette

    January 31, 2012

    I am in love with The Honest Company! I receive my free trial last week, and I cannot wait for my first month’s supply to arrive. I think the idea of greener, cleaner products for my 3 month old is the best! I love that I can know what I am putting on him. I’m a Project Nursery first timer, but I can’t wait to continue reading!

  480. Stepheny

    January 31, 2012

    I Love THE HONEST COMPANY! I am already in my first month of both essentials and diapers, LOVE THEM! Thank you so much to Jessica for creating safer products for babies!

  481. Stacie

    January 31, 2012

    I checked out, and ordered the discovery kit a week ago. I’m loving the diapers and home products! I’m always looking for made in the USA, natural, no animal testing/by products in items and it’s a pain to buy them separately from different places. I’m looking forward to trying some of the other Honest products once I get to the 2nd month!

  482. lindsy

    January 31, 2012

    I got a month supply of diapers & the trial of the essentials.,I love everything down to the packaging. It’s so cute & fresh. I will be reusing the boxes. Thank you for creating this company!!
    I would like you on fb but I don’t use it. I’ll have my family do it for me on there’s.

  483. Janette Navarro

    January 31, 2012

    Liked you guys on FB and gave a shoutout =)

  484. Janette Navarro

    January 31, 2012

    I’m a subscriber too!

  485. teandra

    January 31, 2012

    i love her web site i will order something as soon as i have a baby

  486. amy

    January 31, 2012

    I am super excited to start using the.honest company. I am expecting my first baby girl in April so you can expect my first purchases then :) love it

  487. amy

    January 31, 2012

    I also subscribed to the newsletter, thanks for the extra tries at winning this awesome looking bag

  488. Stephanie

    January 31, 2012

    I just received my discovery kit and am super excited about the contents! The diapers are very cute and the products look and smell great. I will definitely be trying out the family essentials bundle and am considering also getting the diapers bundle.

  489. Stephanie

    January 31, 2012

    Liked your page on Facebook and left a shout out!

  490. Stephanie

    January 31, 2012

    Followed you on Twitter and tweeted about it

  491. Tiffany

    January 31, 2012

    As a new mommy-to-be, the internet has become my best friend! After reading countless blogs, reviews, etc- it became very clear to me there wasn’t a clear choice for inexpensive, non-toxic, and eco-friendly diapers- that actually WORKED. By chance I stumbled across the Honest site, and am blown away my the positive reaction of consumers, and the low cost of the all the products. I simply cannot wait to try these products!!! I am a HUGE fan of PN, I’ve liked them on FB, and I subscribe to the newsletter! I frequent the site constantly- even to the point that one of my girlfriends thought Project Nursery was a TV show because I’ve referenced it so much!

  492. Tabitha

    January 31, 2012

    I would love to try their natural products ESP the cleaning products

  493. Kathy T. K.

    January 31, 2012

    I have visited several times since it launched and I am so excited to hear about a non-toxic company that is “truly” non-toxic and plus the products, like their diapers are actually cute! Thank you for being “Honest” about what goes into your products. Also, to find products that are safe and decently priced is a must. I would be delighted to try any of their products!

  494. Kathy T. K.

    January 31, 2012

    I “liked” you on Facebook and gave you a shout on your wall! Crossing my fingers!

  495. Kathy T. K.

    January 31, 2012

    I am a subscriber to Project Nursery’s Weekly Newsletter!

  496. Cristy Smith

    January 31, 2012

    I am a subscriber to Project Nursery’s Weekly Newsletter!

  497. Cristy Smith

    January 31, 2012

    I follow on facebook and gave a shout-out!

  498. Cristy Smith

    January 31, 2012

    I follow on twitter and gave a shout out!

  499. Cristy Smith

    January 31, 2012

    I checked The Honest Company out a couple days ago and signed up for the trial! Can’t wait for it to get here so I can try it out! :)

  500. T. Reyes Alvarez

    January 31, 2012

    I love the idea of having safe and natural baby products for my daughter. I really like the patterned diapers-so cute! I hope to win this cool diaper bag!

  501. Esther Burgoin

    January 31, 2012

    I checked out the Honest website and signed up for a free trial. I hope to win this very chic diaper bag <3

  502. Melissa Rivera

    January 31, 2012

    I stumbled upon The Honest Company the week that they launched and ordered my free trial packs of the diapers and the household supplies. We loved everything. The diapers held up for my 2 year old overnight for roughly 12 hours. And all the samples of the body and household products went over well too. About to receive our first nursery packaged here in a few days. Can’t wait! I’m so happy to have a company like this out there for me and my family!

  503. Melissa Rivera

    January 31, 2012

    Liked and commented on your Facebook wall too.

  504. Olivia A

    January 31, 2012

    I visited the website & ordered my starter kit.

  505. Olivia A

    January 31, 2012

    I “liked” you on facebook & wrote a shout out on your wall

  506. Olivia A

    January 31, 2012

    I am following You on twitter & I tweeted you & the honest company about you

  507. Olivia A

    January 31, 2012

    I am now subscribing to the Project Nursery newsletter

  508. Blanca

    January 31, 2012

    I like Project Nursery on facebook! Thank you.

  509. Blanca

    January 31, 2012

    I am now subscribing to the Project Nursery newsletter. Thank you.

  510. Blanca

    January 31, 2012

    I follow Project Nursery and tweeted about the giveaway! Thank you!

  511. Blanca

    January 31, 2012

    I visited and I LOVED it! I love hearing about their wonderful customer service and I love buying good clean/healthy products for my baby. My kids are the most important thing in my world and they deserve honest healthy living and can help me achieve that. Thank you!

  512. carrie

    January 31, 2012

    If it’s good for my babies and the rest of my family it’s for me! The more natural products out there that are as close to nature as possible the better! Love that! and LOVE the bag! Visited the website.

  513. April

    January 31, 2012

    I visited last week, and signed up for their free trial. The diapers are super soft, and no leaks yet. The pricing is great considering the quality, and how safe/healthy they are for my child. I love the healing balm as well.

  514. April

    January 31, 2012

    I liked Project Nursery on facebook, and commented.

  515. April

    January 31, 2012

    Signed up for the weekly newsletter.

  516. Heather

    January 31, 2012

    So excited about these products! Fond out about this amazing company via twitter! Can’t wait to get my free trial. I’m in love with everything about this company. And if I had a million bucks it would be hard to choose how I’d help others but I would love every minute of spreading blessings.

  517. Victoria

    January 31, 2012

    I visited the Honest website and signed up for the trial!

  518. Victoria

    January 31, 2012

    I liked Project Nursery on FB! :)

  519. Victoria

    January 31, 2012

    I am signed up for the weekly newsletter!

  520. Ann

    February 1, 2012

    I visited and signed up. I’m excited about non-toxic diapers and supplies for my baby. Researching products that are environmentally friendly & free from harsh chemicals is exhausting. It’s great that the Honest Company provides a solution. On top of all that, the diaper designs are really cute!

  521. Ann

    February 1, 2012

    I signed up for the Project Nursery newsletter.

  522. Jamie Sapp

    February 1, 2012

    I visited The Honest Company and am signing up for the Free Trial!

  523. Jamie Sapp

    February 1, 2012

    I am already a fan of PN on Facebook!

  524. Jamie Sapp

    February 1, 2012

    I follow PN on Twitter!

  525. Jamie Sapp

    February 1, 2012

    I already subscribe to the PN newsletter! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  526. Carolyn

    February 1, 2012

    Awesome website. (Honest Company)

  527. Carolyn

    February 1, 2012

    I’m already a facebook fan!

  528. Carolyn

    February 1, 2012

    Already subscribed to your newsletter.

  529. Lauren Rasor

    February 1, 2012

    I checked out the site and must say that I adore the diapers! My husband and I are realizing how much more trash we have now that we have a little one and it makes me sick. The fact that regular diapers don’t biodegrade for such a long time is terrible. These are better for the environment, better for baby’s skin and I must say, much cuter!

  530. Lauren Rasor

    February 1, 2012

    I ‘liked’ you on facebook!

  531. Lauren Rasor

    February 1, 2012

    I subscribed to your newsletter. Looking forward to getting them!

  532. Autumn Buehring

    February 1, 2012

    I am so excited about joining the Honest Company! I ordered my free trial and subscribed through zulilly! I am expecting soon and will be pleased to use these great products! I am all set to receive my diaper and Essential Family Products monthly! I would love to win this amazing diaper bag!!

  533. Sarah Cherry

    February 1, 2012

    I saw the company for the first time on Zuliliy! I am a firm believer of being chemical free for earth and my babies. So glad this product is around and can’t wait to try it!

  534. Jen

    February 1, 2012

    Super cute bag!

  535. lidia S

    February 1, 2012

    I would really like this :)

  536. Brandi

    February 1, 2012

    I like you on facebook

  537. Brandi

    February 1, 2012

    I subscribe to the newsletter

  538. zomama

    February 1, 2012

    visited the beautiful site and signed up for a free trial! excited to test out their products! now i just need a diaper bag to put all my new stuff in… ;)

  539. Marilyn

    February 1, 2012

    I signed up to Honest Company and was already a fan of Project Nursery on Facebook. Hoping to win the diaper bag. My little one is due next week!:)

  540. Anna

    February 1, 2012

    I like project nursery, and this bag!

  541. Khristine T.

    February 1, 2012

    i must say that I-LOOOVE your products! I am currently trying to get pregnant and these products will surely be in my baby registry!

    btw, I subscribed to your newsletter, liked your fb page and been following you on twitter!! :)

  542. Colleen Rogenmuser

    February 1, 2012

    I haven’t tried the honest products yet but I like everything I see! Love the eco-friendly products and this diaper bag is gorgeous!

  543. Leeanna

    February 1, 2012

    I checked out the website and was impressed. My son will be potty training soon, but I might consider the trial for my new baby due in May.

  544. Nicole T

    February 1, 2012

    I definitely like the idea of it and it would depend on the prices. I’m a big fan of subscriptions for buying diapers. I used to use Amazon, but their discount dropped dramatically so we are definitely in the market for something new!

  545. Leeanna

    February 1, 2012

    I am a fan of Project Nursery on Facebook :)

  546. alicia

    February 1, 2012

    I’d like to try your laundry detergent

  547. Ann

    February 1, 2012

    I follow PN on twitter and tweeted about this diaper bag :)

  548. Rachel

    February 1, 2012

    Oh my goodness, I LOVE her website! I’m expecing my first baby this spring and am COMPLETELY into all-natural products. I’m so happy you are sharing about her company so I can have fun trying some of her products. AND…I’d LOVE to win this giveaway — would be such a blessing! :)

  549. Vanessa L

    February 1, 2012

    I checked out and it looks like a reasonable service! I’d definitely try it out.

  550. Rachel

    February 1, 2012

    P.S. Already have been a FB fan of yours, but just left a shoutout on your wall! :)

  551. Rachel

    February 1, 2012

    I am also now a newsletter subscriber! :)

  552. Vanessa L

    February 1, 2012

    “Liked” Project Nursery on Facebook! And I’ve shared PN with my friends!

  553. RunnerGirl17

    February 1, 2012

    I liked PN on Facebook!

  554. RunnerGirl17

    February 1, 2012

    I subscribe to the weekly newsletter.

  555. Crystal

    February 1, 2012

    Checked out the site looks very interesting.

  556. Kathleen Marshall

    February 1, 2012

    I love how easy the website is to navigate and how clean the products are.

  557. Kathleen Marshall

    February 1, 2012

    I liked project nursery on Facebook.

  558. Kristi

    February 1, 2012

    The concept of The Honest Company sounds great and easy! I am signing up for the free trial as I type. I would love to win this cute diaper bag!

  559. Jeanette L.

    February 1, 2012

    Really great looking products on!

  560. Jeanette L.

    February 1, 2012

    Also a facebook fan!

  561. Lindsay

    February 1, 2012

    I looked at, definetly a site I’d be interested in!

  562. Lindsay

    February 1, 2012

    I like project nursery in FB

  563. Kathleen Marshall

    February 1, 2012

    Subscribed o your newsletter!

  564. Lindsay

    February 1, 2012

    I subscribe!

  565. Jessica V

    February 1, 2012

    I checked out the site & I love the boy diapers!

  566. Jessica V

    February 1, 2012

    I like you on FB

  567. Jessica V

    February 1, 2012

    Following on Twitter

  568. Jessica V

    February 1, 2012

    Already subscribed to newsletter! :)

  569. Kaeli McAuley

    February 1, 2012

    Love this bag and the whole concept of the company!

  570. Amber

    February 1, 2012

    I actually think her new line is awesome! Hope I win, baby is due in March it’s our first!

  571. Amber

    February 1, 2012

    I like you on FB!

  572. Amber

    February 1, 2012

    I already like you on Facebook!

  573. Amber

    February 1, 2012

    I am subscribed to your newsletter ;)

  574. Summer

    February 1, 2012

    I visited the website and looks like a fab company, will definitely pass on the information :)

  575. Renee V.

    February 1, 2012

    I looked at, and love this bag! Newest baby on the way this summer!

  576. Renee V.

    February 1, 2012

    I like ya on FB!

  577. Summer

    February 1, 2012

    I liked on FB and commented :)

  578. Marcela

    February 1, 2012

    I would definitely order her products….and I already like you on FB!!

  579. Summer

    February 1, 2012

    I follow on twitter and tweeted!/LLLSummer/status/164861755309297664

  580. Summer

    February 1, 2012

    I subscribe :)

  581. Jami Hall

    February 1, 2012

    interesting. would love to try it

  582. Jami Hall

    February 1, 2012

    i am a facebook fan

  583. Jami Hall

    February 1, 2012

    i am an email subscriber

  584. Dani

    February 1, 2012

    Sign me up! Love’s concept!

  585. D Schmidt

    February 1, 2012

    I think it is a really good idea, I like the customization.

  586. D Schmidt

    February 1, 2012

    Email subscriber

  587. D Schmidt

    February 1, 2012

    Facebook fan as D Schmidt

  588. D Schmidt

    February 1, 2012

    Twitter follower as mummytotwoboys1

  589. /jeannette

    February 1, 2012

    Cjecked out the honest co. so excited. We are expecting our third in a few weeks.

  590. Susan L

    February 1, 2012

    not sure I would try it…could get pricey.

  591. Charity Carter

    February 1, 2012

    Jessica my husband has a huge crush on you – and I’m okay with that!!
    (Let’s hear it for natural birthing hyno birthing mamas unite!)

  592. Stephanie Dimar

    February 1, 2012

    I love this idea super Eco friendly. I love it :)

  593. Kristina

    February 1, 2012

    Like you on Facebook! Great bag!

  594. RoChele A

    February 1, 2012

    I think I would try this. I’d be interested to see how it goes. I love that they offer a free trial, and that it can be personalized.

  595. RoChele A

    February 1, 2012

    Follwer on Twitter and I tweeted! (!/Away_Giver/status/164874095312379906)

  596. Ann

    February 1, 2012

    I’m a FB fan and gave a shout out on your wall.

  597. Kathryn

    February 1, 2012

    I’m a fb fan and gave shout out on wall. Looks like a great bag!

  598. Masooma

    February 1, 2012

    Great website! Would definitely give it a try

  599. Masooma

    February 1, 2012

    Like you on Facebook and left a shout out!

  600. Masooma

    February 1, 2012

    Subscribed to your newsletter

  601. Masooma

    February 1, 2012

    Follow u on Twitter and tweeted about the giveaway;!/Masooma20/status/

  602. Grace

    February 1, 2012

    The website is great! I would definitely try it.

  603. Grace

    February 1, 2012

    I liked’ Project Nursery’ on Facebook.

  604. Grace

    February 1, 2012

    I am already a subscriber of your newsletter.

  605. Mori

    February 1, 2012

    Liked you on facebook!

  606. Mori

    February 1, 2012

    I am already a subscriber of your newsletter.

  607. Mori

    February 1, 2012

    Website is definately useable!

  608. Corinna

    February 1, 2012

    Following on Twitter.

  609. Corinna

    February 1, 2012

    Liked you on Facebook.

  610. Corinna

    February 1, 2012

    Subscribed to your newsletter.

  611. Corinna

    February 1, 2012

    Just discovered your website. I like it a lot.

  612. sahar

    February 1, 2012


  613. Trish H

    February 1, 2012

    I subscribed to your newsletter.

  614. SarahH

    February 1, 2012

    Neat idea! I didn’t sign up because my baby has been a beast to find dipes for. We are sticking with what works! I do respect what they are trying to do though!!

  615. Trish H

    February 1, 2012

    Liked you on facebook and posted a comment… Would love to win this bag… So sleek..

  616. Nadine

    February 1, 2012

    I busted and got a trial diaper bundle : )

  617. SarahH

    February 1, 2012

    I follow you and tweeted.

  618. Trish H

    February 1, 2012

    Went to great concept but for a single working mom it’s not reasonable.

  619. Kate M

    February 1, 2012

    What a wonderful service!

  620. Kate M

    February 1, 2012

    I like you on facebook!

  621. Nadine

    February 1, 2012

    “Liked” Project Nursery on Facebook and posted on there wall : )

  622. Nadine

    February 1, 2012

    Following @projectnursery on Twitter and send out a tweet : )

  623. Nadine

    February 1, 2012

    Subscribed to Project Nurserys weekly newsletter. : ) glad I found this website. I need a few girly ideas to complete my daughter Brooklyns nursery

  624. Lisa

    February 1, 2012

    Visited the Honest website, will definitely try it out!

  625. Lisa

    February 1, 2012

    Already Liked you on Facebook and left a shoutout!

  626. Lisa

    February 1, 2012

    Subscribed to your newsletter!

  627. Lisa

    February 1, 2012

    Following Project Nursery twitter and sent out a tweet!

  628. Leslie D

    February 1, 2012

    I visited their page and I would definitely love to try Honest Co. Products! My son is almost here and I’m definitely going to need a diaper bag (which i dont have one yet!) with LOTS of diapers!! Lol
    I’m Following on Twitter!

  629. Annjanette Debellis

    February 1, 2012

    I love the whole product line and Honest website. I have subscribed to trial and LOVE it.

  630. Annjanette Debellis

    February 1, 2012

    Followed on Facebook and did a shout out.

  631. Sona

    February 1, 2012

    Checked out It’s nice to see safer products for my baby’s bum & body :)

  632. Annjanette Debellis

    February 1, 2012

    Followed on twitter and have tweeted.

  633. Annjanette Debellis

    February 1, 2012

    Subscribed to newsletter

  634. Jamie

    February 1, 2012

    i’m following on twitter! love the site ♥

  635. Sona

    February 1, 2012

    I follow you on FB (and love getting inspiration from all the nurseries and parties you post).
    Posted a comment there…Thanks!

  636. Sona

    February 1, 2012

    I’m also a subscriber of your Weekly Newsletter (yet another source of inspiration!).

  637. Jamie

    February 1, 2012

    love the bag! just subscribed to the newsletter

  638. Sabrina

    February 2, 2012

    Checked out the website. I would love to try both bundles but they are a little on the pricey side. I may decide to try in the future. There aren’t many natural disposable diapers out there.

  639. Sonya

    February 2, 2012

    I liked project nursery on FB.

  640. Sonya

    February 2, 2012

    Yes I visited and ordered the trial diapers & cleaning products. Love Jessica Alba and can’t wait for the fabulous stuff to ARRIVE!!!

  641. Sonya

    February 2, 2012

    Subscribed just now to your emails:-)

  642. Candace

    February 2, 2012

    I visited and loved it. It is so nice to see celeb moms using their fame to help bring affordable products! Love this! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  643. Kristen Rutti

    February 2, 2012

    I visited Honest website. It’s great to read that she is so proactive! Hats off to Jessica Alba!

  644. Kristen Rutti

    February 2, 2012

    I ‘like’ PN on FB……..actually I love, but there’s no button for that yet!

  645. Shanna Rodgers

    February 2, 2012

    Loving your site, and your bag would be perfect. My husband said he wouldn’t mind carrying it around for the baby either :) Thanks!

  646. Laura

    February 2, 2012

    I liked you on Facebook.

  647. Andrea

    February 2, 2012

    My 2 year old loves her ice cream cone diapers!

  648. Liz

    February 2, 2012

    I love the whole concept! Excited to test out!

  649. christine

    February 2, 2012

    looks like a great co.! wish i could order some items separately. love the diaper bag!

  650. christine

    February 2, 2012

    already a newsletter subscriber

  651. Laura

    February 2, 2012

    love the site!! love the honest co.