Baby’s Things

I have always been a sucker for Serena & Lily's gorgeous prints. In my mind, they can transform a nursery from dull to fabulous instantly (and not just a nursery...I love my sheets, too!). I was super excited to see their new collaboration with Hanna Andersson: a fresh, darling line of organic cotton pajamas. My …

I don't know about you, but if I see another blinking, noise-making toy in my home, I may go crazy. Don't get me wrong those toys have their time and place, but if I have the option to chose a simple, open-ended play toy for my son, I'll pick it every day of the week. …

Happy Monday, everyone! I hope you all had a fabulous weekend. I spent some time with some of my young friends this last week, and I came to the conclusion that each one of them is in the "question" phase. "What is this?" "How did this get there?" "When will we be there?" "How many …

A while back, we designed an all pink nursery for a client in Anaheim Hills, CA. They told us that they wanted to have a child-sized pink piano in the room to encourage music and creativity. Genius! We found them an adorable pink piano and during the process, found a lot of great resources for …

Baby’s first year is filled with so many precious moments, thoughts and feelings. As a mom of two, I khow that this early time in baby’s life flies by in a flash and capturing those moments can be a bit of a challenge. Enter Two Giggles, makers of adorable baby books that are unique, fun …

Even though my pregnancies were anything but easy, bed rest and weekly ultra sounds for starters, when I reminisce about each one I still get a little lump in my throat and my heart soars a bit. The entire birthing process is nothing short of amazing which is why the maternal bond develops long before …

Ask any experienced parent: Capturing your sweet sleeping baby in the nursery is a moment you’ll want to cherish because the reality is, it lasts for what feels like only seconds when looking back. The truth is, my kids came out all red and pimply. One had “spider bites” while the other had “strawberry marks” …

With help from modern cartoons, monsters have gone from scary lurking creatures to adorable and comical companions. Their silly eyes, disproportionate limbs, and fancy fangs have made their way into trendy nurseries. Here are some of the monsters I found lurking in the Project Gallery.