Ever think about who's making your kids' sippy cups? Or how they come up with all of this great stuff? Well, we do, which is exactly why we love visiting corporate offices for behind-the-scenes looks at the baby industry. And sure enough, we found a great company with a great story, Munchkin. Admittedly, we are …
Baby’s Things
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve bought a toy hoping the kids will get hours of engaged play from it, only for it to be ignored shortly after the last piece of tape is ripped from the package. It’s rare to find an activity toy that keeps your baby interested and can be …
We all know that October is breast cancer awareness month, and sadly, most of us know someone who has been affected by it. The statistics are shocking, but there is hope. Breast cancer research advances every day. In September, we heard the news that a nondisease-causing virus killed human breast cancer cells in the laboratory, which creates …
Everyone knows that kids love mail. My two-year-old is even pleased when I hand him a piece of junk mail to play with. But now, he can look forward to some actual mail of his own. His grandma recently purchased a subscription for him to the adorable children's magazine Babybug. We received our first issue …
In my experience, kids, especially toddlers, tend to eat with their eyes first. Meaning, if the meal doesn't look appetizing, they're a lot less likely to eat it. In fact, I'd say this might be true for all of us. I know I'm guilty of judging a meal by its cover! My son is much …
My kids love to cart their stuff around. Books, toys, crayons—you name it, they want to have it with them in the car, on trips or even while they are at home, bopping from room to room. I can’t really blame them since I’m the mother with the giant tote bag filled with who knows …
When my eldest son, Liam, was born, I decided to breastfeed. What I didn't know is that it would feel as if I needed a master's degree to learn how to do it properly. I had a tough time. In those first few days of figuring it out, I would literally break into cold sweats …
It's no secret the lovely ladies of Layla Grayce hold a special place in our hearts, and we mean this both professionally and personally. Three years have flown by, and our original sponsors have now become our friends, which is why we are genuinely thrilled for Layla Grayce co-founder Tiffany Harris and the impending arrival of her …