Party planning can get overwhelming for a lot of Moms! There are so many little details, and I often get asked how to create a simple, stylized birthday party. My advice is to always “brand” your party – pick a color palette, a theme, even a logo, and carry it throughout your entire party. One …
Anyone planning a Valentine’s Day party? Here’s some inspiration gathered from our Project Gallery. This Rockin’ Valentine’s Day Party takes full advantage of pink, red, and sparkles. It throws in some mean guitar for cool points…
Vintage pocket watches, brass skeleton keys, and topsy turvy teacups are some of the distinguishing elements of Alice in Wonderland. This classic book and movie is a growing trend in the nursery and party scene. Let's venture into the rabbit hole that we like to call "Project Gallery" and see how Project Nursery readers are dressing their …
Hi Friends, It’s been a wonderful 2010! We are so appreciative of your support within our little niche of the worldwide web. First off, we could not have enjoyed the year we’ve had without the assistance of our amazing contributors. Every single one, truly takes the time to write content from the heart. We know …
With the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it can be difficult to find the time to sit down and thoughtfully plan a party. The easiest way to create a cohesive look is to choose a color palette and stick to it! The red and aqua blue combination has been a favorite color palette …
My mother was a thrifty gal in the 80s. She used unlikely items for my birthday party decor, including a lollipop holder made from a sunny yellow jello mold, inverted and poked with holes. How clever she was to know that a simple $2 display of pops would bring about celebrational charm. Pops, from lolli …
Don't miss TomKat Studio's entry into the growing gift guide market his holiday day season. We are honored to be contributing among a group of talented ladies and gent. We especially love the group of advertisers - I know I am keeping this link handy as a resource for my next children's party. Job well done …
I don’t know about you, but I have very distinct memories of Thanksgiving dinners as a kid. I remember how my mother made my sister and I wear matching dresses {for probably too many years}, and that we always had to wear those {super} uncomfortable knit tights that I would promptly remove once everyone “saw” …