
Donut-Themed Kids Party

Our love for donuts runs deep—we were so inspired by this yummy, fluffy confection that we decided it needed its own celebration. We’re excited to share with you some inspiration and ideas for throwing your own sweet donut-themed kids party! And trust us—you DONUT want to miss this sprinkle-filled soiree […]

Romantic Girl's Nursery Design Board

With Valentine’s Day coming up this weekend, romance is definitely in the air! When you think of a Valentine’s Day-inspired nursery, you might think of white and red with roses and hearts, but creating a nursery based on a theme doesn’t always have to be so literal. […]

DIY Gingerbread Love Shack

It’s February, and love is in the air! If you’re anything like me, you had ambitious plans for winter break, but somehow time slipped away from you (or in my case, we battled sickness for three weeks). Either way, I had planned to craft and bake with the kids, but here it is, February already …

Nothing says Valentine’s Day quite like a big heart-shaped box of chocolates, but giving your little one a sugar high might not make for the sweetest day for either of you. So in lieu of candy and sweet treats, we’ve come up with a few festive ideas […]

Free Printable Valentines

There are two things I absolutely can’t resist—a good pun and an awesome retro Volkswagen-style bus! This year I combined the two to create these printable classroom valentines for my kiddos to hand out at school. And today I’m sharing the file […]

Valentine's Gifts The PN Shop

Sweep mom off her feet this Valentine’s Day with something hip from The Project Nursery Shop. To make it easy, we’ve handpicked our favorite gifts for mom and baby, ready to shop for V-Day […]