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    This party was thrown for my daughter’s 4th birthday.  She requested a Strawberry Shortcake party with an Alex’s Strawberry Lemonade Stand.  We used Strawberry Shortcake as an inspiration and incorporated other colors and a “Strawberry Taylor” which was a caricature created by my sister, Abbey, of Abbey Malcolm Letterpress + Design.   The birthday girl had only one activity on her list of activities for the party and that was a “keyata” or pinata with Miss Strawberry Shortcake herself on it.  That was easy enough with a quick trip to Party City.   It rained almost the entire party (until the end) but the parents and children didn’t mind at all, hey, water balloons and a pool = wet anyway and it definitely beats the heat!


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      1. Melisa

        August 16, 2011

        Adorable! Strawberry Shortcake definitely brings back memories. You pulled out all the stops, well done!

      2. bluebirdkisses

        August 17, 2011

        I love how this party came together! Its really a lovely theme!

      3. AngelsBreath

        August 18, 2011

        My daughter loves Strawberry Shortcake, too, but the new version, the one that’s more pink than red. About your party… I think it’s really great that you took on the Strawberry Shortcake theme and sort of claimed it as your own by creating Strawberry Taylor.

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