Shop Suggestions

As soon as my husband and I realized we were having a baby girl, the Nursery planning began instantaneously. We decided initially that we wanted her to have a sweet nursery, but also something she could grow into. Of course I wanted a lot of pink!, but not so much that it overwhelmed everything else.

Lauren M
Lauren M

Shop New Arrivals


    1. AngelsBreath

      August 18, 2011

      I really like it when parents put in something with a sentimental relevance and incorporate it into the room decor. In your case, it’s the framed baby dress which belonged to you when you were little.

    2. Lauren M

      August 26, 2011


      Thank you so much!!!

    3. Carrie

      October 18, 2011

      I like the paint color you chose. Do you have the name? Thanks!

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