In the Shared Girls’ Room with Oh Happy Play

Today we get to check in on a family we’ve visited before, and it’s always a treat! Most recently, we got a chance to tour Noelle’s twin boys’ nursery, but we first discovered her daughters’ adorable room a couple years ago. Now with her daughters getting a little bit older the space has been updated, and as you can see below, it is just as darling and whimsical. To say this mama has her hands full is an understatement, but somehow she manages to find the time to design amazingly creative spaces for her lucky little crew of four. Thank you, Noelle, for once again bringing us into your beautiful home!

Hello! I am Noelle, the mom of four under the age of five and wife to an amazing man. I am a decorating junkie and find any excuse to decorate every inch of our home! I love sharing my spaces, and I am lucky to get to do that through my blog, Oh Happy Play, where you are sure to find lots of KIDspiration.

Fairytale Inspired Girls Room

What inspired your room design?
My two little fairytale obsessed daughters! I came up with the idea to theme the room “Land of Fairytales” because my girls are huge fans of everything whimsical and magical, and I wanted to portray that in their space. My girls love being close to each other, so I tried to make the room as intimate as I could, yet also give them their own defined spaces to call their own. I think the final product really accomplished all of the above.

Fairytale Inspired Girls Room House ShelfWatercolor Polka Dot Decals | House Shelf

What was your favorite part of the process? And what do you love the most about the finished design?
My favorite part was incorporating all the things they love and watching their eyes light up when they first saw the final product. I personally love their wardrobe station because it makes getting ready in the morning seamless for them and me because, with four under five, that’s exactly what I need!

Fairytale Inspired Girls Room Wardrobe SystemStorage Units | Pink Bins | Printable Labels | Stackable Wooden Bins | Unicorn Mural | Mirror (similar)

What do your girls love most?
My girls LOVE their beds. We found the most comfortable mattresses around and the softest bedding possible to create a literal cloud of a bed for them. The house frame bed, which I have the DIY for on my blog, gives them the feel of their own little clubhouses, but that doesn’t stop them from sleeping together every single night still!

Fairytale Inspired Girls Room House Fort BedsHouse Beds | Bedding | Personalized Name Signs | Moon Mobile | Cloud Mobile

Designing a big kid room is different than a nursery because you know your little residents’ personalities better. Did your child have any special requests?
The biggest thing we added per their request was their Nugget. We try to keep toys out of the room, so I figured an extra reading area where they can also blow off some steam with fort building/gymnastics etc would be perfect. They LOVE having it in there!

Fairytale Inspired Girls Room NuggetNugget | Knit Dolls

Any challenges you had to work around?
Yes! The biggest challenge is the fact that we just moved here after selling our old home, and we are currently renting this home as we build a new one—our hopefully forever home—so we had to be cautious with that. For instance, we weren’t able to paint, so I found these amazing decals from Urban Walls that won’t damage the wall but really make a huge statement in the room. I think it was exactly what the space needed to pop!

Fairytale Inspired Girls RoomNeon Rainbow Light

Do you have any words of advice for other designers and parents?
Have fun with it! I try to keep it simple but exciting. By creating a room around your kid’s needs and interests, you are truly setting them up for lots of security/comfort and lots of great sleeps.

Fairytale Inspired Girls Room

images by Kaley D Photography

*this post contains affiliate links*





Beth, Project Nursery’s Editor, lives in Upstate New York with her husband and their two sons and daughter. Beth is a work-from-home mom who loves writing, crafting and all things kid design.


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