In the Shared Girls Room with A+ Life

Some rooms are just magical—where you can almost sense all the many imaginative games that are going to take place in that room. We love big kid rooms that inspire kiddos to play and dream, and this whimsical shared girls room may just be a perfect example! Courtney Spena, of A+ Life, is taking us on a tour of her daughters’ room today. You can learn more about Courtney and her family over on her blog where she talks about their family life. Thanks, Courtney, for sharing this playful space with us today!

Whimsical Shared Girls Room - Project NurseryUnicorn Head | Cubbies | Kid Chairs

Design inspiration can come from anywhere—what inspired your nursery/kid room design? 
I knew that I wanted a bright, white and girly space. When we initially made over this room, only our oldest daughter was living in it, but the plan was always to someday have the girls share. I wanted it to be a fresh and open space that she would want to play and spend time in, but also transition well as she grows up. The first thing I planned for her room was white paint and the second was the ice cream wall decals! The colors were so much fun, and from there, a loose ice cream theme was born for her room.

Whimsical Shared Girls Room - Project NurseryI Love You Sign | Ice Cream Nightlight (similar)

Whimsical Shared Girls Room - Project NurseryBeds | Bedding | Yellow Ice Cream Print

How did your design evolve when you transitioned from the planning phase to the execution of your vision?
It evolved a bit once we moved Mabel in! A shared bedroom space definitely had to become more creative than just a singleton space. I brought in a lot of Mabel’s nursery pieces (the bookshelves, wall art for the gallery wall, her pink chair, etc.), and I had to find ways to make all of their things fit without looking cluttered.

Whimsical Shared Girls Room - Project NurseryPopsicle Print | Doll Diner

Whimsical Shared Girls Room - Project NurseryIce Cream Cone Decals | Dollhouse | Rug 

Did you have any unexpected obstacles when creating this room? How did you overcome them or spin them to your advantage? 
Previously, this room was bright blue…painted over floral wall paper! We had quite the fiasco trying to get it down. Our home was built in 1941, and it’s basically wall-to-wall painted-over wallpaper that we have been slowly working to remove and refinish. This bedroom was the hardest by far out of the entire house! Steaming, scouring, stripping and scraping was the name of the game in this room. We had to have my parents help, and it took us days to finally get the walls prepped and ready for paint.

Whimsical Shared Girls Room - Project NurseryOctopus Nightlight | Ice Cream Pillow

Whimsical Shared Girls Room - Project Nursery

Whimsical Shared Girls Room - Project NurseryIce Cream Pop PrintFlower Print

What is that one thing that everyone mentions when they step into this space?
Always the beds! Their matching beds came from Ikea.

Whimsical Shared Girls Room - Project Nursery Doll Diner | Spice Rack Bookshelves

Now that the room is complete, what was your favorite part of the process? And what do you love the most about the finished design?
My favorite part of the design is that my girls get to be in a beautiful room together! It fits both of their personalities, both of their ages, and I can’t wait to watch them grow up in it!

Whimsical Shared Girls Room - Project Nursery

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Beth, Project Nursery’s Editor, lives in Upstate New York with her husband and their two sons and daughter. Beth is a work-from-home mom who loves writing, crafting and all things kid design.


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