We all try our best, but with today’s on-the-go parenting style, our best intention of documenting every. single. thing. our babies do sometimes goes by the wayside. Pretty soon your baby is one year old (and believe me, it does happen that fast), and you realize your pretty baby book is still empty.
Like many things in our lives, maybe it’s time to update what we think of as the traditional baby book. Check out Tinybeans, an app that puts a virtual baby book right at your fingertips, allowing parents to capture all those milestones in a way that they will actually use.
Personally, I snapped a quick picture to document my kids’ milestone moments because I knew at least the moment and the date would be saved. I would have loved to use Tinybeans for my babies because you can do so much more than that just as easily.
You can take photos, add notes (something my method was missing) and even share your Tinybeans Journal with friends and family that you invite to view your baby’s milestones (on their phones or their computers). I can also see this working for keeping track of those funny things your kids say as they move into toddlerhood.
Tinybeans also has a feature that allows you to easily create a photo book right from the images saved in your Tinybeans Journal. Surely this is a “baby book” that we can all keep up with.
K Schuler
Love this app! Just downloaded – thanks so much for sharing!