Giveaway: First Starry Night Print from Indigo Night

There are all sorts of mementos that we keep to commemorate the birth of our children. I still have a newspaper from the day my son was born. But wouldn’t it be neat to be able to capture that first night that you held your baby in your arms? Indigo Night does the next best thing. You give them the date and the location your child was born, and they create a large poster print of the way the stars and the moon appeared that night. Indigo Night will be giving away a beautiful, framed night sky print to FIVE lucky Project Nursery readers.

I love the idea of a little one gazing at their print as they fall asleep at naptime or bedtime. You can choose the landscape that is featured beneath the starry night sky from selections such as familiar skylines, treetops, rooftops, beaches, mountains, rivers, lakes…they can even make an illustration from your photograph.

You can also add words to the print—whether it be a special message from you, a famous quote or a line from a favorite book or poem, your child is sure to cherish this special memento.

WIN IT! Five lucky Project Nursery readers will win a framed Child’s First Starry Night print from Indigo Night ($119 each).

HOW TO ENTER: Visit Indigo Night for some message ideas, and let us know what message you might put on your print in a comment below. Contest ends Friday, July 13th, 2012 at 11:59 PDT. Winners chosen by random number generator.


1. “Like” Project Nursery and Indigo Night on Facebook, give us a shout out on our wall and tell us you did with a comment below.

2. Follow Project Nursery on Twitter, tweet about it and tell us you did with a comment below.

3. Follow Project Nursery and “pin” Indigo Night images from this post on Pinterest and add your Pinterest link in a comment below.

4. Subscribe to our Weekly Newsletter or let us know you are already a subscriber with a comment below.

{Remember to use an individual comment to note what you did
for each extra entry (5 comment maximum)}

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in our effort to bring you exciting giveaways.





Beth, Project Nursery’s Editor, lives in Upstate New York with her husband and their two sons and daughter. Beth is a work-from-home mom who loves writing, crafting and all things kid design.


  1. Crissa Robertson

    July 6, 2012

    I love this idea! I would write something like “I love you to the moon and back” or “we wished on a star and got you”

  2. Crissa Robertson

    July 6, 2012

    I get your newsletter

  3. courtney

    July 6, 2012

    On the night you were born the moon smiled with such wonder that the stars peeked in to see you

  4. courtney

    July 6, 2012

    I tweeted it @c_a_harrington

  5. courtney

    July 6, 2012

    I get the newsletter too

  6. courtney

    July 6, 2012

    I follow pn on pinterest and pinned a pic from this post

  7. Lesley

    July 6, 2012

    honestly, I love the wording in the one sampled right here :)

  8. Marion

    July 6, 2012

    I liked Project Nursery and Indigo Night.

  9. Petrina Gittelson

    July 6, 2012

    FB follower :)

  10. Marion

    July 6, 2012

    Pinned on my board:

  11. Marion

    July 6, 2012

    I am following Project Nursery on Pinterest.

  12. Petrina Gittelson

    July 6, 2012

    pinned it to win it ;)

  13. Marion

    July 6, 2012

    I would put Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on my picture, along with my daughters birth statistics. I have sang this song to her every night when I put her to bed since birth. She is 21mts now and sings some of the words, along with me now.

  14. becky

    July 6, 2012

    pinned it!

  15. becky

    July 6, 2012

    I subscribe to your newsletter.

  16. becky

    July 6, 2012

    I “like” Project Nursery on FB

  17. becky

    July 6, 2012

    I “like” Indigo Night on FB, as well!

  18. Kim L.

    July 6, 2012

    I think I would put Jake’s First Starry Night and then History is made in Colonial Williamsburg.

  19. Liz

    July 6, 2012

    A star danced and under that, I was born! – William Shakespeare

  20. Liz

    July 6, 2012

    Liked on FB

  21. Kim L.

    July 6, 2012

    I like Project Nursery and Indigo Graphics on Facebook and left each of you a comment.

  22. Liz

    July 6, 2012

    Follow PN on Twitter

  23. Liz

    July 6, 2012

    Tweeted about giveaway

  24. Kim L.

    July 6, 2012

    I followed you on Twitter and tweeted. :)

  25. Kim L.

    July 6, 2012

    I already subscribe to your newsletter.

  26. Tracy

    July 6, 2012

    I love this idea. I would probably put a lyric from the song her dad is writing for her (he did the same for our son and I have a print with that on it in his room. ) Not sure yet though because it’s not finished (neither is she!)

  27. Tracy

    July 6, 2012

    I already subscribe to your newsletter.

  28. Katie O

    July 6, 2012

    I would do “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, do you know how loved you are?” The print is so beautiful!

  29. Katie O

    July 6, 2012

    Like both on FB and left a shout out!

  30. Katie O

    July 6, 2012 Pinned and follow on Pinterest

  31. Katie O

    July 6, 2012

    Following on Twitter and tweeted

  32. Jennifer C

    July 6, 2012

    Love this! I would do, “For every wish there shines a star…”

  33. Nica

    July 6, 2012

    I would put Twinkle, twinkle little star on my print :)

  34. Jessica@TWB

    July 6, 2012

    I like the “your first starry starry night” one.

  35. Audrey

    July 6, 2012

    I think I would use “A labor of love” or We love you to the moon and back. Or maybe just Moon Child, my daughter nickname.

  36. Amanda

    July 6, 2012

    I’d get a “First Starry Night” print for my baby that is due in November!

  37. Tiffany A.

    July 6, 2012

    Such a great print! I love the… I love you to the moon and back!

  38. Tiffany A.

    July 6, 2012

    I am a subscriber to the newsletter!

  39. Jenny Van Brunt

    July 6, 2012

    This idea is phenomenal. I loved the quotes from the site, but I have always loved Shel Silverstein I would use “Once I smiled in secret at the gossip of the starlings” from Forgotten Language. The whole poem goes:

    “Once I spoke the language of the flowers,
    Once I understood each word the caterpillar said,
    Once I smiled in secret at the gossip of the starlings,
    And shared a conversation with the housefly
    in my bed.
    Once I heard and answered all the questions
    of the crickets,
    And joined the crying of each falling dying
    flake of snow,
    Once I spoke the language of the flowers…
    How did it go?
    How did it go?”

  40. Jenny Van Brunt

    July 6, 2012

    I have subscribed to your newsletter!

  41. Jenny Van Brunt

    July 6, 2012

    I have liked you and Indigo Night on Facebook!

  42. Jenny Van Brunt

    July 6, 2012

    I follow you on Pinterest and repinned the photo of the Indigo Night frame from this page onto my gender neutral nursery board.

  43. jennifer poppell

    July 6, 2012

    Pinned it!

  44. jennifer poppell

    July 6, 2012

    Follow Project Nursery and Indigo Night on Facebook.

  45. jennifer poppell

    July 6, 2012

    I am subscribed to your newsletter.

  46. Suzanne l

    July 6, 2012

    I would probably put a biblical verse on it.

  47. Sandra C

    July 6, 2012

    I would write

    We’re all made of star-stuff. (Carl Sagan)

  48. Sandra C

    July 6, 2012

    I’m subscribed to your newsletter :)

  49. Sandra C

    July 6, 2012


  50. Meghan Finley

    July 6, 2012

    I’d choose Be clearly aware of the stars and infinity on high. Then life seems almost enchanted after all
    ― Vincent van Gogh

  51. Meghan Finley

    July 6, 2012

  52. Meghan Finley

    July 6, 2012

  53. Adrienne

    July 7, 2012

    Tweeted the giveaway and here is my tweet:

  54. Adrienne

    July 7, 2012

    Pinned it to win it!

  55. Adrienne

    July 7, 2012

    Like both on FB and gave shout on wall.

  56. Adrienne

    July 7, 2012

    I subscribe to the newsletter already.

  57. Adrienne

    July 7, 2012

    After visiting the Indigo Nights website, I think I would much rather have the print for an anniversary present for my husband and myself. We married in Montana and I can’t think of a more wonderful place to have a starry night print. Now, as for what quote I’d have… too hard to decide. There have been some great ones listed here, but I’d probably find something from the Bible. Very cool and unique gift idea. I do like the constellation print out on the back.

  58. Freja

    July 8, 2012

    I love the “Today you are you” Dr Suess quote and the “Twinkle Twinkle .. do you know how loved you are” message.

  59. Freja

    July 8, 2012

    I’ve liked PN and Indigo Night on Facebook, and shouted!

  60. Freja

    July 8, 2012

    I follow PN on Pinterest!

  61. Freja

    July 8, 2012

    I already subscribe to your Weekly Newsletter :)

  62. Kellie O

    July 9, 2012

    I would put the message “A star leaves Heaven and touches down on Earth.”

  63. Kellie O

    July 9, 2012

    I Like Project Nursery on Facebook and gave shout outs!

  64. Kellie O

    July 9, 2012

    I Like Indigo Night on Facebook and gave shout outs!

  65. Kellie O

    July 9, 2012

    I follow Project Nursery on twitter and tweeted at

  66. Kellie O

    July 9, 2012

    I follow Project Nursery on Pinterest and pinned at

  67. Kellie O

    July 9, 2012

    I subscribe to the weekly newsletter!

  68. Pat

    July 9, 2012

    As a new grandmother (to come), I greatly am enjoying the PROJECT NURSERY website. It is a source of wealth (especially since I will be a long distance grandmother). ONCE UPON A STARRY NIGHT is a wonderful tribute to any child.

  69. Shannon

    July 9, 2012

    Pinned it!

  70. Shannon

    July 9, 2012

    I subscribe to your newsletter:)

  71. alanna roberts

    July 9, 2012

    I wwould love one of these! My son was born on the first evening of the summer solstice this year!

  72. Jessica Fletcher

    July 9, 2012

    Liked Project Nursery and Indigo Night on FB!

  73. Jessica Fletcher

    July 9, 2012

    Pinned it to win it!
    Following Project Nursery on Pinterest and pinned Indigo Night print.
    I hope I copied this correctly :)

  74. Jessica Fletcher

    July 9, 2012

    Our baby isn’t due until November but once we decide on a name I would add “‘Baby’s name’ first Starry Night” for the quote. Also love the Dr. Seuss quote.

  75. Nica

    July 9, 2012

    Liked you both on FB

  76. Melissa Hill

    July 9, 2012

    I would put the message “The stars winked with joy and mischief on the night we welcomed you!!”

  77. Melissa Hill

    July 9, 2012

    Like Project Nursery on Facebook!

  78. Melissa Hill

    July 9, 2012

    Like Indigo Night on FB!

  79. Melissa Hill

    July 9, 2012

    Gave shoutouts to both on FB.

  80. Melissa Hill

    July 9, 2012

    Already subscribe to your newsletter ;-)

  81. Kayla

    July 9, 2012

  82. Kayla

    July 9, 2012

    Liked you both on FB & gave shout outs

  83. Jessica

    July 9, 2012

    I would put the message: “The night God took you out of his pocket!”

  84. Jessica

    July 9, 2012

    I subscribe to weekly newsletter :)

  85. Jessica

    July 9, 2012

    My repin on interest, where I follow Project Nursery:

  86. Nikki Frett

    July 9, 2012

    I have always “Liked” Project Nursery on Facebook… just left a shout out on your wall!

  87. Nikki Frett

    July 9, 2012

    I “Liked” Indigo Night on Facebook, and gave a shout out on their wall!

  88. Nikki Frett

    July 9, 2012

    I am a subscriber to your Weekly Newsletter already!

  89. Nikki Frett

    July 9, 2012

    I follow Project Nursery and “pined” Indigo Night images from this post on Pinterest —

  90. Valerie C.

    July 9, 2012

    August 31st……the date our beautiful star was born <3

  91. Valerie C.

    July 9, 2012

    I like you both on Facebook and commented on your contest post there :)

  92. Valerie C.

    July 9, 2012

    Following you on Twitter and tweeted:

  93. Valerie C.

    July 9, 2012

    I am a subscriber of yours :)

  94. Melissa M

    July 9, 2012

    Pinned it!

  95. Melissa M

    July 9, 2012

    I would write something about how my wishing on a star came true….would think of better wording if I won!

  96. Tanya

    July 9, 2012

    I’d write “our winter solstice baby!” because our little girl arrived unexpectedly on Dec. 21!

  97. Allison

    July 9, 2012

    I think I would keep it really simple – name, date, time.

  98. Allison

    July 9, 2012

    And I subscribe to your newsletter.

  99. Heather Slater

    July 9, 2012

    “hitch your wagon to a star” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

  100. Heather Slater

    July 9, 2012

    Like you both on Facebook and wrote on your walls!

  101. Heather Slater

    July 9, 2012

    Follows you on twitter and tweeted! @heathernurse

  102. Heather Slater

    July 9, 2012

  103. Heather Slater

    July 9, 2012

    Newsletter subscriber

  104. Tania

    July 10, 2012

    My Starry Night Print would say, “The night you joined our family … a wonderful miracle and the best night of our lives!”

    Would love to be entered to win a personalized print!

  105. sarah buki

    July 10, 2012

    I love this! I have never seen it before but how beautiful!
    I would have a hard time choosing what to write. I like the When you wish upon a star quote from disney… but i might want to look up a Bible verse too…

  106. Jennifer Alexander

    July 10, 2012

    I love the “look into your heart and you will find the sky is yours” And of ourse baby’s name to go with it. What a cool print! Thanks for the giveaway.

  107. sarah buki

    July 10, 2012

    i fb fan both you and indigo night

  108. Jennifer Alexander

    July 10, 2012

    I already subscribe to your newsletter.

  109. sarah buki

    July 10, 2012

    im an email subscriber

  110. Jennifer Alexander

    July 10, 2012

    I am already a fan of Project Nursery on FB. I also said hello on your wall.

  111. Jennifer Alexander

    July 10, 2012

    I liked Indigo Night on FB. I also said hello on their wall. Thanks!!

  112. Grace

    July 10, 2012

    My print would say ‘The Sky’s The Limit’.

  113. Grace

    July 10, 2012

    I liked Project Nursery and Indigo Night on Facebook.

  114. Grace

    July 10, 2012

    I am already a subscriber of your newsletter.

  115. Jessica L.

    July 10, 2012

    I would put the message, “where there is great love, there are always miracles!” this would hang in you babies room, cuz she really is a miracle baby!

  116. Jessica L.

    July 10, 2012

    Already a subscriber!

  117. Jessica L.

    July 10, 2012

    Liked both on FB!

  118. Jessica L.

    July 10, 2012

    Following on pintrest and pinned

  119. Addison Kat

    July 10, 2012

    The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

  120. Addison Kat

    July 10, 2012

    following project nursery on twitter @addieluke and tweeted:

  121. Addison Kat

    July 10, 2012

    following and pinned:

  122. Addison Kat

    July 10, 2012

    I’m a newsletter subscriber

  123. Nikki Frett

    July 10, 2012

    I think I would have “May the stars that watched you then bless you always”… it reminds me of the Irish Blessing we had read at our wedding. That or a lyric from Coldplay’s “Yellow,” specifically “Look at the stars, look how they shine for you.” I have sang/played that song for our little one since I was pregnant with her.

  124. Janelle W

    July 10, 2012

    I love the Dr Suess quote. I’d probably put “Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight. I wish I may, wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight.” It was our family’s thing to say when we saw the stars first night.

  125. Nica

    July 10, 2012

    Following on Twitter!

  126. Laura

    July 10, 2012

    So sweet! I would probably say somethingalong the lines of “the night the universe got a little sweeter.” :)

  127. Laura

    July 10, 2012

    Liked both on facebook.

  128. Laura

    July 10, 2012

    Followed on twitter @pudinaround

  129. Laura

    July 10, 2012

  130. Laura

    July 10, 2012

    Subscribed to the e-mails!

  131. Laura smith

    July 10, 2012

    Heaven blew every trumpet, and played every horn, on the wonderful marvelous night you were born” -Nancy Tillman

  132. Katy Emanuel

    July 11, 2012

    I am already a fan of Project Nursery on facebook and like Indigo Night on facebook

  133. Katy Emanuel

    July 11, 2012

    The message I would put on my print would be – When you wish upon a star….

  134. Katy Emanuel

    July 11, 2012

    I am already a subscriber

  135. Stuart

    July 11, 2012

    Obvious… But “twinkle twinkle” is pretty though to beat

  136. Danielle Fasci

    July 11, 2012

    Hard to pick the most perfect phrase but I like: A Star is born! and a few of the others that have been suggested. Thanks!

  137. Danielle

    July 11, 2012

    Already a subscriber to the weekly newsletter. Thanks!

  138. Danielle

    July 11, 2012

    I did pin this on my pinterest but I can not figure out how to post the link here, sorry. Thanks!

  139. Rosie

    July 11, 2012

    What a clever idea. So hard to pick, but “Sweet Dreams, Little Bear” would be in the running, especially if Ursa Minor were in the sky that night.

  140. Rosie

    July 11, 2012

    I am already a weekly newsletter subscriber.

  141. Megan

    July 12, 2012

    On the night that you were born, GOD blessed us with our third precious baby boy!

  142. Nica

    July 12, 2012

    I am a subscriber

  143. Nica

    July 12, 2012


  144. Somdatta Gupta

    July 12, 2012

    Had I the heavens’ embroidered cloths,
    Enwrought with golden and silver light,
    The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
    Of night and light and the half-light,
    I would spread the cloths under your feet

  145. Rielle

    July 13, 2012

    I’m a subscriber to your newsletter.

  146. Rielle

    July 13, 2012

    I follow Project Nursery on Pinterest and pinned this to my board.

  147. Rielle

    July 13, 2012

    I’m already a FB fan of Project Nursery and liked Indigo Night on FB.

  148. Rielle

    July 13, 2012

    What a lovely keepsake idea! I’d have a hard time choosing what to write, but I really like “twinkle twinkle little start, do you know how loved you are?” because I sing “Twinkle, Twinkle” to my baby girl at night. I also like the “Once upon a starry night” line since my baby was born at night.

  149. Staci A

    July 13, 2012

    I love the idea of using “And now… let the wild rumpus start!!”

  150. Staci A

    July 13, 2012

    I pinned:

  151. Staci A

    July 13, 2012

    I get your newsletter.

  152. Staci A

    July 13, 2012

    I tweeted: Thanks!

  153. msilba

    July 13, 2012

    I would have a quote put on it that my daughter put on a picture that she made for our little guy before he was born, “I will love you unti the day after forever”

  154. msilba

    July 13, 2012

    i subscribe to your newsletter

  155. ashley

    July 13, 2012

    PN & Indigo fb fan


  156. ashley

    July 13, 2012

    PN twitter follower-

  157. ashley

    July 13, 2012

    PN pinterest fan.

  158. ashley

    July 13, 2012

    Already a subscriber!

  159. ashley

    July 13, 2012

    I would probably put a scripture from the bible and then my daughters birthday- if I won!

  160. Anne Lehnick

    July 13, 2012

    My daughter’s name is Skyler and we often call her Sky, so it’s really hard to find just the right thing. Since it doesn’t have to be perfect for this entry, I’ll go with “Build a ladder to the stars and climb on every rung” and I’d love to have her name on it.

  161. Anne Lehnick

    July 13, 2012

    I like both on Facebook and commented:

  162. Anne Lehnick

    July 13, 2012

    I follow you on Twitter and tweeted:

  163. Anne Lehnick

    July 13, 2012

    I follow you on Pinterest and pinned:

  164. Anne Lehnick

    July 13, 2012

    I’m a newsletter subscriber

  165. Kristin

    July 16, 2012

    We have five lucky winners! Here they are:
    Addison (comment #122)
    Meghan Finley (comment #50)
    Sandra C (comment #48)
    Tracy (comment #26)
    Nikki Frett (#87)

    Congrats to all of our winners and thank you to everyone who entered.

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