Giveaway: Baby Keepsake Box by Suzibella

My new baby is just two and a half months old, and I already have a handful of things that I want to save that just don’t fit well in a traditional baby book. I have his hospital band and the ones my husband and I wore, the baby hat he wore in the hospital, too many welcome baby cards to count… Well, you get the idea. A Suzibella Baby Keepsake Box is the perfect solution, and Suzibella is giving away two Baby Keepsake Boxes—one white and pink, one white and blue—so we will have two lucky winners!

The box is perfect for storing baby’s firsts and other mementos from his or her childhood—some things you just don’t want to smoosh or squeeze into a baby book. And the white box, with sweet details like ball feet, will look lovely sitting on a dresser or shelf in your child’s nursery.

Each Suzibella Baby Keepsake Box contains a pouch for baby’s first haircut, a ribbon-tied box for baby’s first tooth and a bag for baby’s favorite pacifier or rattle.

WIN IT! Two lucky Project Nursery readers will win a Baby Keepsake Box with either pink details or blue.

HOW TO ENTER: To enter, visit Suzibella, and let us know if you’d like a pink keepsake box or a blue one with a comment below. Contest ends Friday, April 27th, 2012 at 11:59pm PST.

1. “Like” Project Nursery and Suzibella on Facebook, give us a shout out on our wall and tell us you did with a comment below.

2. Follow Project Nursery and Suzibella on Twitter, tweet about it and tell us you did with a comment below.

3. Follow Project Nursery and “pin” Suzibella images from this post on Pinterest and add your Pinterest link in a comment below.

4. Subscribe to our Weekly Newsletter or let us know you are already a subscriber with a comment below.

{Remember to use an individual comment to note what you did
for each extra entry (5 comment maximum)}

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in our effort to bring you exciting giveaways.





Beth, Project Nursery’s Editor, lives in Upstate New York with her husband and their two sons and daughter. Beth is a work-from-home mom who loves writing, crafting and all things kid design.


  1. Bradly

    April 20, 2012

    FB & T!! blue please, PN rocks

  2. Kellie O

    April 20, 2012

    I would love a pink box!

  3. Kellie O

    April 20, 2012

    I “Like” Project Nursery and Suzibella on Facebook and gave shout outs on the walls!

  4. laura

    April 20, 2012

    I would love a blue box! Thanks for the chance!

  5. Kellie O

    April 20, 2012

    I Follow Project Nursery and Suzibella on Twitter and tweeted at!/Ireland77L/status/193314697401995264

  6. Kellie O

    April 20, 2012

    I follow on Pinterest and pinned at

  7. Kellie O

    April 20, 2012

    I Subscribe to your Weekly Newsletter

  8. Charee

    April 20, 2012

    I LIKED Project Nursery and Suzibella on FB and left a shout out on the wall. :)

  9. christelle rodas

    April 20, 2012

    i would love a pink one!!

  10. christelle rodas

    April 20, 2012

    I “Like” Project Nursery and Suzibella on Facebook

  11. Genevieve

    April 20, 2012

    I would love the pink one!

  12. Charee

    April 20, 2012

    I follow Project Nursery and Suzibella on Twitter and I just tweeted about this giveaway.

  13. Genevieve

    April 20, 2012

    Already a subscriber to your weekly newsletter

  14. Charee

    April 20, 2012

    I follow Project Nursery on Pinterest and below is my PIN link

  15. Katrina K

    April 20, 2012

    The blue one would be awesome!

  16. Charee

    April 20, 2012

    I just subscribed to the Newsletter

  17. Charee

    April 20, 2012

    I would like the keepsake box in BLUE.

  18. Christen Warne

    April 20, 2012

    Just discovered Project Nursery and am already addicted! Blue box would be great for my baby boy on the way!!

  19. Angela C.

    April 20, 2012

    Pink would be great!

  20. kelsie rae

    April 20, 2012


  21. Nicole C

    April 20, 2012

    Pink please!!!

  22. Melissa

    April 20, 2012

    I would love a pink box!

  23. Melissa

    April 20, 2012

    I Like Project Nursery and Suzibella on Facebook and shouted on their wall

  24. Melissa

    April 20, 2012

    I subscribe to your weekly newsletter

  25. Suzanne l

    April 20, 2012

    I’d like a pink one

  26. Brettnie F

    April 20, 2012

    Pink please:)

  27. Brettnie F

    April 20, 2012

    Follow both of you on Facebook!!!

  28. Brettnie F

    April 20, 2012

    Follow you both on Twitter and I also tweeted about the contest!!!

  29. Brettnie F

    April 20, 2012

    Follow on Pinterest and pinned to Baby Shower Ideas board:)!!

  30. Brettnie F

    April 20, 2012

    I’m a weekly subscriber already! Thank you!!!

  31. Amber

    April 20, 2012

    We are expecting our baby boy May 2nd and would love a blue keepsake box.

  32. brooke t

    April 20, 2012

    I love the Blue!!

  33. brooke t

    April 20, 2012

    pinned it

  34. brooke t

    April 20, 2012

    I Subscribe to your Weekly Newsletter

  35. Tiffany A.

    April 20, 2012

    I would love either color ;) we find out the sex of the baby in one week and we can’t wait!!! I’m so excited to see if I need a pink box or a blue box :)

  36. Tiffany A.

    April 20, 2012

    I am a subscriber to the newsletter!

  37. gita prasad

    April 20, 2012

    love the pink

  38. gita prasad

    April 20, 2012

    I follow both on twitter

  39. gita prasad

    April 20, 2012

    I am a subscriber

  40. megan mann

    April 20, 2012

    I’d love a pink box!

  41. Caroline

    April 20, 2012

    Love the pink!

  42. Alexis F.

    April 20, 2012

    I’d love a pink one!

  43. Alexis F.

    April 20, 2012

    I subscribe to the newsletter

  44. Heather

    April 20, 2012

    For now, I’m expecting pink!

  45. Heather

    April 20, 2012

    I like you and suzibella on FB and wrote on your wall:

  46. Heather

    April 20, 2012

    I follow both you and suzibella on twitter and tweeted:!/HSongSays/status/193545096233353217

  47. Heather

    April 20, 2012

    I subscribe to your newsletter!

  48. Staci A

    April 21, 2012

    I’d love blue!

  49. Staci A

    April 21, 2012

    I subscribe to your newsletter. Thanks!

  50. Erin

    April 21, 2012

    I’d love blue!

  51. Lauren Gendelman

    April 21, 2012

    I would like the blue or the pink, don’t know gender of expected baby yet!

  52. Lauren Gendelman

    April 21, 2012

    I liked both on FB.

  53. Lauren Gendelman

    April 21, 2012

    I am already a subscriber.

  54. veronica

    April 22, 2012

    I would love to win a blue box!

  55. Paula Hodge

    April 22, 2012

    Having our first Grandchild and couldn’t be more excited. Will love spoiling him or her and praying for a safe delivery for Mommy and baby too.

  56. Allison M

    April 22, 2012

    Blue…we’re expecting a boy in July.

  57. M Phillips

    April 22, 2012

    I would love to win a pink box!

  58. M Phillips

    April 22, 2012

    I subscribed to your newsletter!

  59. M Phillips

    April 22, 2012

    I liked Project Nursery on Facebook…so excited to be in the loop!

  60. Elizabeth S

    April 23, 2012

    I love the box, and would love a blue one for my little boy (born in December). Great website!!

  61. Nicole Biddle

    April 23, 2012

    Newsletter subscriber. Love the blue for my boy.

  62. JWilliams

    April 23, 2012

    I would love a blue one!

  63. JWilliams

    April 23, 2012

    I subscribe to the newsletter

  64. sandra

    April 24, 2012

    i’d pick a blue one

  65. sandra

    April 24, 2012


  66. Brandi

    April 24, 2012

    I’d love a pink one for our baby girl!

  67. Brandi

    April 24, 2012

    I subscribe to the newsletter

  68. Brandi

    April 24, 2012

    I like you both on facebook

  69. sarah buki

    April 24, 2012

    i would love a pink one!!!

  70. sarah buki

    April 24, 2012

    im an email subscriber

  71. Candice

    April 24, 2012

    email subscriber and loving it

  72. Candice

    April 24, 2012

    liked project nursery and suzibella on facebook

  73. Sierra

    April 24, 2012

    I would love a blue one for our first born, a little boy, coming in August :)

  74. Sierra

    April 24, 2012

    I like you both on FB!

  75. Sierra

    April 24, 2012

    I did the twitter stuff :)

  76. Ian

    April 24, 2012

    I would pick the blue box

  77. T. Reyes Alvarez

    April 24, 2012

    I’d love a pink box!

  78. Jennifer

    April 25, 2012

    I would love a pink box!

  79. Karina Lee

    April 25, 2012

    if i had to choose between pink or blue, i’d choose pink. but i’d rather have the white one

  80. Karina Lee

    April 25, 2012

    i LIKEd both on facebook and gave a shoutout

  81. Karina Lee

    April 25, 2012


  82. Barb K

    April 25, 2012

    I would like the Blue Box.

  83. Barb K

    April 25, 2012

    I subscribe Via E-Mail.

  84. Emily

    April 25, 2012

    I would like the blue one!

  85. Emily

    April 25, 2012

    I subscribe to the Project Nursery weekly newsletter.

  86. amy warren

    April 25, 2012

    follow both on twitter and tweeted!/amydowdle/status/195332892413530112

  87. amy warren

    April 25, 2012

  88. amy warren

    April 25, 2012


  89. lindsay

    April 27, 2012

    we would love a blue one=) we just moved back from the middle east to give birth to our son who is now one month old. It makes me feel bad i didnt get one for my three year old daughter!

  90. tessa

    April 27, 2012


  91. tessa

    April 27, 2012

    I follow both on Twitter

  92. tessa

    April 27, 2012

    I subscribe

  93. ashley

    April 27, 2012


  94. ashley

    April 27, 2012


  95. Colleen Fuller

    April 27, 2012

    I like Project Nursery and Suzibella on Facebook

  96. Colleen Fuller

    April 27, 2012

    I subscribe to the Weekly Newsletter

  97. Colleen Fuller

    April 27, 2012

  98. Krystal

    April 27, 2012

    I would love the blue box!

  99. Krystal

    April 27, 2012

    Newsletter subscriber

  100. Krystal

    April 27, 2012

    Following both on Twitter and tweeted :)

  101. Annika

    April 27, 2012

    I like project nursery and suzibella on Facebook.

  102. Annika

    April 27, 2012

    I’m a project nursery subscriber

  103. Annika

    April 27, 2012

    I follow project nursery and suzibella on twitter. And I tweeted. @josiemommy

  104. Sarah Zahnd

    April 27, 2012

    Pink box!

  105. Charlene

    April 27, 2012

    Blue box for my little guy!

  106. Charlene

    April 27, 2012

    Newsletter subscriber! Oh yeah!

  107. Lauren Andreini

    April 27, 2012

    Liked Project Nursery & Suzibella on facebook. Blue box would be awesome!

  108. Tammy

    April 27, 2012

    I would love a blue one! :) Good luck everyone.

  109. Tammy

    April 27, 2012

    Liked Suzibella on facebook and already follow project nursery.

  110. Tammy

    April 27, 2012

    Follow both on Twitter and posted a tweet.

  111. Tammy

    April 27, 2012

    I follow project nursery on pinterest and pinned from this page.

  112. Tammy

    April 27, 2012

    I already subscribe. :)

  113. Christian

    April 27, 2012

    I would love a pink box for my precious baby girl!

  114. Christian

    April 27, 2012

    liked you on facebook!

  115. Kristin

    April 30, 2012

    Congrats to Lauren (comment #52) and to Gita (comment #37) for being our two lucky winners! Please check your email for details on how to claim your prize!

  116. Jessica

    April 30, 2012

    Liked Both on FB

  117. Jessica

    April 30, 2012

    Pinned on pintrest

  118. Jessica

    April 30, 2012

    subscribed to newsletter

  119. Jessica

    April 30, 2012

    I would love the pink keepsake box, so adorable!!

  120. Lauren Gendelman

    April 30, 2012

    I am thrilled to be a winner of the Baby Keepsake Box by Suzibella. This will be a perfect way for me to save special things for my new baby due in September. Thank you so much Project Nursery!

  121. Aarti

    May 1, 2012

    am a subscriber….Would love a blue box for my 4 month old!

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