How many times have you heard the age old saying, “If you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all”? It was a very popular lesson taught in my house growing up with three siblings and I’m sure I’ll be using it on my little ones soon enough. New T-shirt company Speak Nicely takes this concept and puts a spin on it. Instead of not saying anything at all, they have taken on the challenge of empowering children through the power of speech. Not just to say nothing at all, but instead to say something nice. Ahh, how refreshing.

Founded by a mother of four young kids, she was feed up with the negative and inappropriate messages on children’s clothing. (“Spoiled Rotten” or “Who’s Your Daddy?” sound familiar?) She realized that all kids like to wear shirts with sayings on them but where are the shirts that say positive things? An idea was born! Speak Nicely has girls, boys and baby shirts that share beautiful messages with the world. Some of our favorites include: “Be Nice”, “I Speak Nicely”, “Teach Me Gently” and “I Am The Future”.

All shirts are American Apparel 100% cotton T’s with a great fit and wash perfectly. Each T arrives with a little card giving more detail and background on the message. Project Nursery readers can us code “CampKids” at checkout to receive $10 off any order of $50 or more! Be sure to check out the Friendship Bands too. They come in packs of five which make them so fun to share with friends. I’m really energized by these messages and as the folks at Speak Nicely say, We can change the world with the power of speech. Now go and speak nicely!