For the record I love baby books. I think they are precious and the idea of capturing your baby’s first years all in one place is so lovely. I just wish I had more time and discipline to keep up with them! I have accomplished actually acquiring the books but keeping them current is an entirely different story. I’ve resolved that they will get done, just not in the next several years and by then I’ll probably be on to kid number three and well, you see where this is going.

But, alas a baby book that makes it easy even for a mom like me. The Binth Baby Book & Box Set is a fresh and modern take on an old classic. This comes as no surprise considering Binth is the company that also makes this darling yet modern ABC poster.

The Binth Baby Book takes you from the day of birth through the 3rd Birthday celebration. With lots of space for photos, thoughts and keepsakes, this gorgeous book will quickly become a family heirloom. The books are screen printed and handcrafted which make them the proper place for all those special memories. Find it at the amazing Tiny McSmall. Such a great site for gifts, paper and more.