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    Vintage finds and DIY projects create a lovely, colorful, and affordable space for Vesper to grow and be inspired! All for around $450


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      1. Vanessa

        November 23, 2011

        Did you paint the glider white? Room looks beautiful!

      2. RedDirtRevival

        November 23, 2011

        Thank you so much! The glider was white when purchased. I’m not sure if the white is still available on the Target website or not.

      3. Jessica

        November 23, 2011

        Beautiful, although you probably should not premote people using a drop side crib. As they are recalled and link to sudden infant death syndrome.

      4. avalon

        November 23, 2011

        I adore the vintage whimsical touch of this nursery. And oh, those framed vintage posters are just pretty.

      5. RedDirtRevival

        November 26, 2011


        Agreed, Jessica. The drop side cribs are certainly not safe! Luckily, we’re smart cookies and we were able to secure the sides of the crib so that no harm is posed to our baby. Thanks!

      6. Dandelion

        November 28, 2011

        So many lovely and interesting items in this room, like those frames and what-nots on the wall by the changing table, the Ryan footstool, the window frame, the vintage posters, etc.

      7. IngridCalloway

        November 28, 2011

        Congrats for making it to the Project of the Week list of nominees. You deserve it as your room is really lovely.

      8. taylor

        December 6, 2011

        i love this nursery! especially the wall color. can you confirm it is Valspar “Silver Birch”? i went to Lowe’s to get a sample and they didn’t have it in their system…

      9. Chelsea

        January 11, 2012


        Apologies on just now seeing your question! After asking my husband he informed me that it’s actually Glidden and not Valspar. Hope that helps!

      10. Dana

        February 7, 2018

        Ahh!!! Not pregnant but def want a vintage theme that is real vintage and not shabby chic type. This is so on point and of very few I’ve loved! Thanks for the great inspiration!

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