Just me or is this short week totally throwing you off? Good thing is, it hasn’t slowed down our nursery design inspiration game! There are new things that you’re loving in the shop, sweet goodies that you’re adding to MyRegistry, and loads and loads of nursery and big kid room spaces that are beyond inspirational on our blog and social media channels. […]
Two nursery product giveaways, a maternity DIY, brand new floral decor in the shop, and a kid’s dress-up clothes rack that will “make” any playroom—the nursery design world didn’t miss a moment this week. And neither will you when you see this week’s roundup of the most favorited, read, liked, pinned and purchased items from the shop and posts. […]
This week we’re featuring stars from all different angles! Topping the trending lists are not one, but two major mom celebrity nurseries, a nursery nod to Star Wars, and some patriotic action for the upcoming Independence Day holiday. But that’s not all, we’re still going strong with our summer vibes too—just check out the most popular and newest products from our shop. All of these goodies are linked below! […]
Soft, sweet, muted color schemes proved to be most trendy for this week of nursery and big kid design. However, there are two serious doses of bold in the form of rainbows and firetrucks that you must see! Here is this week’s roundup of the most favorited, read, liked, pinned and purchased items from the shop and posts. […]
Before we go any further I’ve got to tell you what an incredible week our Project Gallery and blog had. Seriously, so much nursery design goodness in the Project Gallery, so much. So start here with this recap of the most favorited, read, liked, pinned and purchased items from the shop and posts of the week, then go hang out on the ol’ blog and soak up the design inspiration. It’s worth it, promise. […]
Tired as a mother or mother-to-be? My hand is raised up high this week! Don’t worry you don’t have to sacrifice your style and design knowledge just yet because we are bringing you one dozen of the most favorited, read, liked, pinned and purchased items from the shop and posts of the week. […]