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    When the new The Ghostbusters movie came out my son got really excited and said he wanted a Ghostbusters party this year. I thought yeah that will be a fun theme to do! Little did I know that there really isn’t much in the way of party décor for The Ghostbusters so I did several DIY projects and just kinda winged it! My one goal was to try and do the entire party without any lime green slime! After looking on Etsy, Amazon and Ebay I finally scored the Ghostbusters dolls on Ebay for a small fortune… Keeping that little detail from the husband, I really wanted to used ghost traps and found a couple of places on Etsy that had paper versions but I wanted something that could be used as centerpieces. After a couple of weeks looking online and really thinking it though I just decided to try and make my own. I purchased wooden wine boxes on turned them upside down and painted them. I went to a local hardware store and bought anything I thought looked like it could belong on a ghost trap. They all turned out differently since I used random things! I didn’t get any ghost balloons ordered in time so I just drew ghost faces on plain white balloons. I wanted it to look like the ghosts where being sucked into the ghost trap! For the chalkboard I borrowed a friends handheld projector and just traced it on. Had to have my sister in law come over and use her teacher handwriting since mine looked like a 3rd grader did it! After debating on the kids activity/favor I ordered marshmallow shooters off of Amazon. Not my brightest idea, they stuck to the floor and where a pain to get off! But both the kids and some of the adult “kids” had a BLAST!!


    Ghostbusters Dolls – Ebay

    Ecto Car picture – ETSY

    ECTO license plate – DIY use the projector again

    Marshmallow shooters – Amazon

    Ghost traps – DIY  can be found in our ETSY store soon

    Wooden wine boxes (ghost traps) –


    The Pink Gypsy
    The Pink Gypsy
    This is my creative outlet planning parties for my boys and friends!!
    The Pink Gypsy
    This is my creative outlet planning parties for my boys and friends!!

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