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    And just when I am convinced modern is the way to go, I fall in love with vintage all over again! Budding children’s room designer Carmen Raynor has a knack for taking the sweet innocence of the 50’s & 60’s and creating timeless children’s rooms. Carmen has recently launched her Sydney based interior design firm, Retro Rooms – for modern kids! Here’s a peek of her son’s cowboy room with a vintage twist…


    Shop New Arrivals


      1. admin

        January 9, 2010

        Air says:

        April 6, 2009 at 12:27 am

        I think this room is so fun. And I love the colors!

      2. admin

        January 9, 2010

        Camille says:

        April 6, 2009 at 12:39 am 

        Love it!

        Especially since I’ve decided to do my 3 year old sons room a cowboy theme! His will have a more modern touch, but with a mix of vintage!

        Can’t wait to see the Paper Doll room.

      3. admin

        January 9, 2010

        Becky says:

        October 5, 2009 at 1:59 pm

        I was wondering where you got the font you used on the first picture to write vintage cowboy?

      4. admin

        January 9, 2010

        Little Apple Design LA says:

        October 5, 2009 at 3:55 pm  

        Becky – You can find it on Picnik! It’s a great service.

      5. tonyagriffin

        August 31, 2010

        lOVE IT!!

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