Under the Palms Nursery: A Shared Space

This project was a labor of love for me to design because it was for my niece and nephew.  My niece is 2 1/2 years old and my nephew is just a few weeks. Designing a shared space for a boy and girl can be a bit tricky, but my sister and I knew we wanted a cheerful space.  My sister and her husband lease their home so painting the walls isn’t an option, this is when I knew using removable wallpaper was going to be the best idea ever.  Picking the wallpaper first then led me to all the other items in the room.  Keeping it fairly neutral with the textiles on my nephew’s crib and then allowing a touch of color for my niece.  I’m not shy when it comes to pattern use, but I do pay close attention to the scale of a pattern and its colors.  An example of this is seen predominantly on the crib wall. Since the wallpaper is very bold I kept the scale of the crib sheet to a smaller pattern and then stuck with black and ivory pillows.  Towards the window I didn’t want the drapes of the room to compete with the wallpaper so I chose to use white linen drapes with black rods.  And then deciding on the green bookcase established a monochromatic contrast instead of having the bookcase also jump off the wall like the crib does.  Finding balance in a space while having fun is what I always strive to achieve.
And nothing would have been achieved if it wasn’t for my amazing photographer Taylor Cole Photography.