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    This aqua and gray striped nursery with white furniture and vintage daybed is all set up for twins. Colorful throw pillows and bedding in turquoise, lime, white, and a little  pink (for Ivy), some original artwork, a mini-chandelier, and nature inspired mobile bring this nursery to life. This turned into a group project where different members of our family were able to use their special talents whether it was carpentry, painting, sewing , or art and design. 


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      1. Mary

        May 28, 2012

        Absolutely beautiful! Jody you and Emily are so talented.

        Let me know when the babies come.

      2. Jamie

        May 28, 2012

        The room looks awesome! Y’all are so talented.

      3. Jill

        May 28, 2012

        Just beautiful excellent job.

      4. Ysczabel

        May 28, 2012

        I think the aqua and lime worked quite well here. I love the daybed, was it yours and just repurposed it? The chandelier is also a great touch to make this room look great for your baby girl.

      5. mamakitty

        May 29, 2012

        I love the color scheme!

      6. JRosas

        May 29, 2012


        Thank you, Mary. The babies should be here on Friday. We’re so excited.

      7. IngridCalloway

        June 4, 2012

        I think that the room looks almost monochromatic, aqua and lime sorts of blend in together don’t they? But I just love what you did with the rest of the room. It’s so inspired and heartwarming. How are you and the babies???

      8. Emily

        June 10, 2012

        What a perfect room for two PERFECT babies!

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