Shop Suggestions

    A crisp, clean nursery with new and old touches.

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      1. wenbow

        July 30, 2011

        I think your room is 5 stars, and I love that ceiling.  I once painted birds on a ceiling in a client’s kid’s playroom.  It is such a sophisticated designer look.  I also share your philosophy about checking for deals on CL and repurposing old with the new.

      2. avalon

        August 1, 2011

        Such a sweet nursery. I really really love the chandelier and its semi-ornate details. And I love the fact that you have an antique cedar chest — from daddy’s great grandmother! — and a pair of gloves from your mom. I could only wish I had heirloom pieces like that.

      3. ahoffmann5

        August 1, 2011

        Beautiful job!  What a calming and “meaningful” room!

      4. Gracie

        August 4, 2011

        Beautiful!  I love the crib bedding that you chose for the girls cribs.  Are the bumpers and crib skirt from Bella Notte?  So soft and serene!  I also really like the pictures that you framed above the dresser!  Have fun with the girls and lots of tea party’s.  Oh by the way….I am a tripplet so I know you have your hands full.  My mom did.  My sister is just 15 months older than we are…so she had four babies in diapers at one time. LOL

      5. Molly

        August 16, 2011


        Thank you so much for the sweet comments. Yes, the bedding was made by Bella Notte. I just love their stuff! Your mom definitely had her hands full! I’m just having so much fun with these girls.

      6. Melissa

        February 5, 2012

        Such a sweet room! Where did you get that great chandelier?

      7. Molly

        February 6, 2012


        Thank you! The chandelier came from Pottery Barn Kids. I just loved that it had the birds on it to match the ceiling.

      8. Katie

        July 14, 2012

        Who makes the wallpaper? It is beautiful. Great job on the nursery, hope your girls are doing well!

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