Shop Suggestions

    This project is about an elephant themed nursery room. A beautiful handmade nursery mobile with two wall decorations and two stuffed animals will absolutely add some color to your nursery!

    la petite Melina
    la petite Melina
    A little bit of a mom, a little bit of a wife, a little bit of an artist...
    la petite Melina
    A little bit of a mom, a little bit of a wife, a little bit of an artist...

    Shop New Arrivals


      1. Ugh

        March 17, 2013

        This looks like someone trying to get free exposure for their things they have for sale vs an actual nursery project.

      2. Ka_risty

        March 17, 2013

        I agree with you. It’s cute, but where’s the “nursery?”

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