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From the moment we moved into our house, I knew exactly how I wanted my future nursery to be. My mother and I thought and planned for hours about how it would all turn out, until she was diagnosed with cancer and passed away before we ever got to see the project off the ground. So many people stepped in and made this nursery the one I had dreamed of and planned for so many years. Everything in it tells a story and has a purpose. It is by far my favorite room in the house.

Corine Marie
Corine Marie
Simple southern girl in love with a blue-eyed baby boy, Jesus, and anything served with gravy! Proud to be a leader of Team Naron with my husband of 4 years and hoping that our "team" keeps growing. You can find me writing, creating, reading, singing, or dancing...all with my sweet boy usually in tow. I laugh, pray, and eat often. Life is full.

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    1. Terri Hollingsworth

      September 29, 2015

      This is my niece and I can tell you how this little girl put her entire being into this nursery project for her baby. This child is a life giver for my precious niece. She lost her mother due to pancreatic cancer. I do not know of a mother and daughter more close than Corine and her beautiful mother. I have seen this and spent time here. It is more than a room. It projects peace and comfort because of my sister in law whom I think of as a sister. Maybe that’s why Cash is not a fussy or sickly baby. He feels that same peace that exudes from his precious grandmother. And by the way Cash was 2 months premature. He is perfect in every way at this time.

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