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    with our first child on the way, we wanted to create a serene environment for her nursery with imagination running wild. the best way to do this was to theme her nursery after story books. with some vintage book covers as decoration and soft colors of yellow and gray, we hope she loves it as much as we do! 


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      1. KirstinD

        August 28, 2012

        Your framed vintage book covers are the best! Overall, this room looks like a very happy space.

      2. Kelsy

        September 9, 2012

        Where is your crib from? What is the name of it? I really like it and have been searching for one just like this.

      3. Kelsy

        September 9, 2012

        Where did you get your crib from? What is the name of it? I have been searching for one just like this!

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