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This is a room I designed using my all time favorite manufactures and designers. For Ali Landry last year. Featured in People Magazine! I had so much fun working with this huge space in an amazing home I was tickled pink to see how amazing it turned out. The space is also used a a guest retreat for visiting family
Hi, I am mom of two, celebrity Designer, and party planner and spend most of my time at my day job Editor-In-Chief of Child Style Magazine. & our newest Magazine Child Style Events. My passion is creating amazing spaces and living out childhood dreams through design.
Hi, I am mom of two, celebrity Designer, and party planner and spend most of my time at my day job Editor-In-Chief of Child Style Magazine. & our newest Magazine Child Style Events. My passion is creating amazing spaces and living out childhood dreams through design.
Ali Landry has a four-year old daughter? I know she just gave birth, but I didn’t know she already has a four-year-old. Anyway, the room is every little girl’s envy! It’s pretty and girly!
Oops, sorry, I think I had it confused. I was thinking of Ali Larter! My bad!
Pretty room. When you’re a celebrity, you’d have the means and the resources to create beautiful playrooms for your children. Creativecrumbs is right. A room like this would be an envy of little girls. You did an amazing job here. It’s really magazine-worthy. I am curious about those framed artworks. They look like a designer’s sketches =D
These are amazing limited edition reproductions of Barbie fashion sceches they run anywhere from $75.00 to $140.00 framed. or Z gallery
Pretty room… But I doubt if the cute fish bowls and the glass jars should be there. They are nice, mind you, but I believe that the idea of a playroom is to have a space where your kids can play freely and move about. And they won’t be able to do exactly that if they need to be extra cautious of certain breakables.
What colors were used to paint this room?
The fish in the jars will die unless the lids are left off. They all need air to live – especially the bettas, they breathe air.- The pictures could give a lot of people the wrong idea about keeping fish. :)
Gilda Maher
Where did you get the pink scalloped shelf.