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    My inspiration for this gender neutral nursery began with the otomi patterned wallpaper. From there I decided to add in some pops of color and whimsy with a few fun llamas as well as the gingham curtains, crib sheet and pouf. I decided to keep most of the furniture quite neutral in form and tone after finding this great dresser and side table pair on Craigslist. With some new hardware and a coat of cobalt lacquer they came to life and added some real personality to the space. Finally, I laid the multicolored rug at an angle and added a few toys, books, and decor pieces to the shelves and hooks. Our baby *BOY!* (Arlo) arrived a few weeks ago and we are so excited to watch him grow and explore his new room.

    Mom of Genevieve and Arlo, wife of Michael, lover of coffee, design and trash television. Museums by trade - passion for fashion. Frequently falling into dark holes via Pinterest.
    Mom of Genevieve and Arlo, wife of Michael, lover of coffee, design and trash television. Museums by trade - passion for fashion. Frequently falling into dark holes via Pinterest.

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