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      1. Amanda

        October 20, 2012

        I’m using these colors for my nursery! They’re a great combination. Is the rug a DIY project? Where did you get your inspiration and how did you make it, if you don’t mind me asking? I love it!

      2. cobooth

        October 20, 2012

        Hi Amanda, I actually got my inspiration from another nursery here,×1024.jpg. When I began shopping for the rug, I was having a hard time finding one that was the right color and size for less than $200. So, with the help of a good friend, I decided to give it a DIY try. I bought this rug from Walmart for $40 in Ivory,, three cans of RustOleum spray paint in Fire Orange, a few rolls of duct tape to layout the stripes and a can of Scotchguard to treat the rug when it was dry. My friend did all the spraying since I was pregnant, but it really was pretty easy, just a bit time consuming laying out the stripes. The paint finish was a little crispy at first, but now that we’ve walked on it for a a bit it feels just like a regular rug. Hope this helps!

      3. Amanda

        October 20, 2012

        Thank you so much for the info! I hope you & your little man enjoy the room!

      4. Florence Amber

        October 22, 2012

        Love the colors. I think the turquoise and the orange were a bold color choice, but they look wonderful together.

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