This is a puppy dog nursery for my second sweet baby boy!
Katie Cips
Katie Cips
Shop New Arrivals
August 13, 2015
Hello! My name is Janae and I am a marketing specialist from Best Chairs Storytime Series. We’re so excited you chose on of our chairs for your nursery and would love to feature your nursery on our website! Please email me at if you are interested. Thank you!
March 28, 2016
Hi Katie – do you know which etsy shop you purchased the letters for his name from? And what size they are? Thanks!
Hello! My name is Janae and I am a marketing specialist from Best Chairs Storytime Series. We’re so excited you chose on of our chairs for your nursery and would love to feature your nursery on our website! Please email me at if you are interested. Thank you!
Hi Katie – do you know which etsy shop you purchased the letters for his name from? And what size they are? Thanks!