Shop Suggestions

    As soon I we found out we were expecting, I was so excited to design and make a woodland nursery for our little man!  We love the Orange and Navy combo for good reason – We are Auburn fans.  Baby L’s dad (aka hubby) played basketball there back in the good ‘ol days.

    I love foxes, raccoons, and woodland creatures, and they are so easy to make cute for a baby, but still modern and fun for the adults using the room.

    Lindsey @ SimplySalvage
    Lindsey @ SimplySalvage
    Lindsey @ SimplySalvage

    Shop New Arrivals


      1. MadamJacques

        March 11, 2014

        Great Job! This is the perfect nursery for a little boy.

      2. Carol O

        March 12, 2014

        This is very nice! I love the open feel and the fact that this still looks like more than just a nursery. It is a beautiful room!

      3. Christine

        March 12, 2014

        This is a fun and beautiful room. Though i bet that lamp didnt stay on the changing table for long ;)

      4. Susan Windsor

        March 13, 2014

        What a fun room! Thank you for including a couple of my prints. They look adorable in the setup you created. :)

      5. Lindsey @ Simply Salvage

        March 13, 2014

        Believe it or not the lamp has been there from the time he was 6months – A year. As soon as he was heavy enough to keep the changing pad from sliding. We’ve got a shorty though, so another few months and it may be moving again ;)

      6. Katie

        October 23, 2014

        Where did you all find the rug? We are using your nursery as inspiration and have only been able to find it in a few stores.


      7. SimplySalvage

        November 18, 2014

        Hi Katie!

        The rug is from So glad I could inspire your nursery!

      8. Rosie

        February 1, 2015

        I love this nursery! Any advise on how to find those beautiful birds for the DIY mobile? I’m not very crafty and can’t seem to find birds like the ones you used/created (all I find is real looking birds… not fit for the baby nursery style!).

        I would love any help, and congrats on the nursery its beautiful!

      9. Chelsea

        February 7, 2015

        I’m curious what you used to attach the branches of the mobile together and how you attached the birds to the branches. I’m making a similar mobile for my cousin’s little girl. Thanks in advance!

      10. Jen

        March 4, 2015

        I LOVE the bird mobile. I get an error when I click on the link for it.
        Do you have any info or instructions on how to make it or where to get it?

      11. Tenley

        March 15, 2015

        I was wondering about the mobile as well, I love it and its exactly what I wanted for my sons nursery!

      12. Ali

        August 4, 2015

        Hi! I love the alphabet poster. Where is it from?

      13. Amy

        October 4, 2015

        What is the paint color? I love it!

      14. Suz

        April 18, 2016

        Where is the crib from?

      15. martha

        January 17, 2017

        I can’t find a navy antler chandelier anywhere! Where on ETSY did you find it?


      16. Styleywalls

        July 6, 2017

        Thank you very much for sharing our wall decals too :)

      17. Amanda

        December 16, 2017

        Where did you find the crib? I love it

      18. Jamie

        July 21, 2018

        Where is the bird mobile from?!

      19. Monica Leao

        September 17, 2018

        I simply loved the bird mobile! Where did you get the birds from?
        Thanks in advance!

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