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    As a first time mom not knowing the gender of my baby but wanting to be prepared as possible,  I  choosed neutral colors for our little Sunshine. I figured that by selecting the beautiful combinations of neutral colors such as yellow, gray and white, I didnt have to stress about the gender of the baby. My husband and I always sang “You are My Sunshine”  and “Twinkle Twinkle” to the baby while in the belly and we both knew that we wanted to make these songs part of our baby’s lullaby night routine. This idea helped us choose essential parts of the nursery such as the lamps, wall decals, courtains and pictures. Best advise to parents is to have fun with choosing colors instead of specific themes as this rule was essential in our decision making and made our dream nursery a fun and stress free project. (Nursery Pictures by Jose Diaz)

    Shula Lin
    Shula Lin
    Excited new mom with a stress free mentality.
    Shula Lin
    Excited new mom with a stress free mentality.

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