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    The playroom is actually one of my favorite rooms in our home. It gets a lot of natural light so its always bright and cheery. I know I am totally crazy to put white furniture in the kids playroom but it’s kind of the best furniture ever! I have slip covered couches from IKEA and they are totally kid friendly. Anytime they get stains or my 2 year old colors on them (which is on a daily basis), I just take the covers off ,bleach them, and voila…NEW COUCH! I put lots of throw blankets on the couches too. I kinda feel like it adds an extra barrier to prevent stains. We have a lot of storage areas in our playroom for all of the kids toys. Since the playroom is right off the entrance to our home, I wanted to try to keep it as neat as possible…yea right. I try though! We have a large toy bin, baskets, a large closet, and even built ins under the staircase. The built ins were in the home when we moved in. It kind of sold me on the house. Since there is nothing under the stairs, it is such a genius way to add extra storage in a smaller home. It also adds another element of charm in our tiny beach cottage. Fun fact, the closet in our playroom oddly connects to the closet in our den. The kids think its pretty cool, so I have to keep it clear enough for them to go back and forth through the “secret passage”.

    I wanted to keep the playroom as light as possible so I went with a cottage white color. My handy husband shiplapped the walls to add some texture and charm. He even added a cute chalkboard built into the wall too! (Stay tuned for a ship lap post. We did the whole playroom for under $100!) There is recessed lighting in the room and we even added a star pendant light which I love! I went with casual, neutral stripe drapes and bamboo blinds for the window treatments. To add some color to the room, I added fun throw pillows and blankets.  I also just added this colorful round area rug as well. I love all of the kids artwork, so I made sure to add lots of it to the room. I hung it on string with clothes pins.  As all of the rooms in our home, the playroom is still a work in progress, but for now, I am loving it and of course the kids do too! And by the way…this is the cleanest this room has ever been.

    Katherine Britt Boesch
    Katherine Britt Boesch
    Modern mom and step mom to 5 kids. Teenagers and Toddlers. Ages 17 down to 2 years old. Fashion + lifestyle blogger at A Happimess Life. Fitness enthusiast and lover of all things pretty and stylish. My life and home are quite a mess at times....but it's all happy!
    Katherine Britt Boesch
    Modern mom and step mom to 5 kids. Teenagers and Toddlers. Ages 17 down to 2 years old. Fashion + lifestyle blogger at A Happimess Life. Fitness enthusiast and lover of all things pretty and stylish. My life and home are quite a mess at times....but it's all happy!

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      1. Rachael Johnson

        July 15, 2018

        What color white are the walls?

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