Shop Suggestions

    I wanted a feminine nursery for my new baby girl that was calming colors. I chose yellows, greys, and khaki’s.


    Shop New Arrivals


      1. mjwerneth

        February 22, 2010

        love it! just beautiful!

      2. cottonlily

        April 28, 2010

        I love that you steered clear of the pink but didn’t add searing neon colors in its place. The room looks very warm and calm, reminds me of a sunny afternoon.

      3. PrincessRaina

        May 4, 2010

        Classic! Marylou is very lucky to have this room :)

      4. Martinique

        May 11, 2010

        I am thinking that it might be too “old”? But then again, I love the yellow/grey/khaki color scheme :) And I love that chocolate brown/mahogany furnitures :)

      5. Recreate

        May 11, 2010

        No I don’t think it’s too old. I love this room… :) Congratulations!

      6. Pokadots1131

        May 17, 2010

        Room is definitely not old! It’s clean & modern with sweet vintage touches! I think it’s perfect for baby Marylou!! Awesome job!!

      7. ellisonlane

        June 7, 2010

        I love love this room!

      8. valenciacheatham

        August 9, 2010

        I love it! :)

      9. cwinsier

        December 3, 2010

        I love the room! Where did you get the  three tree decors above the changing table?

      10. vickybruner

        December 19, 2010

        My mom painted the three trees above the changing table – i watched her do it and it was really easy.  Just paint 3 canvas’ the color of your choice (I plan to do lavendar for Marylou’s next room when she moves rooms).  Then paint on white paint – id suggest drawing on paper what you want to try to replicate.  It was inexpensive and I tried to copy some paintings I saw on serena and lily (that were way out of my budget). 

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