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My family and friends threw me a Mary Poppins themed baby shower that started with my finding a perfect Mary Poppins cake on Pinterest. I designed the dessert table and my friend helped with the backdrop and got the kites and banner. It was the perfect shower, all that I could have asked for and a great way to celebrate our upcoming arrival of Haley :)
The idea is great, but it came off sincere. The kite garlands were cute, but the flowers were just awful.
Do you mean sincere or insincere? I loved the centerpieces, it was a great nod to the flowers in Mary Poppins hat. I appreciate your comments but to say something is awful is pretty rude and unnecessary.
I REALLY love this idea. A Mary Poppins baby shower had never occurred to me before, but it’s my favourite childhood/Disney movie and it seems like such a brilliant concept! Great work!