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    1. catdelp

      January 13, 2011

      I love the colors you picked!  I’m especially fond of grey and blue.  It’s so hard to design for a toddler- especially a boy because they really only like one thing…and that one thing has to have wheels!  Whether it’s cars, trucks, trains, planes, or all of the above, they end up everywhere.  You’ve done a great job keeping it organized and streamlined so to speak!  I’d love to know where you got your bed- I’d love to have one just like it for my toddler :)

    2. nblackmon

      January 13, 2011

      Oh, thank you so much!  It is such a challenge to design for a little boy, I totally agree!  I tried so hard to keep it from being themey but as you said, anything with wheels has to be incorporated somewhere…it’s all our child owns!  :)  As far as the trundle daybed goes, I have no idea where we ordered it.  We bought it online 4 years ago but I don’t remember the site…it was random.  I feel like I remember the company being in CT though.  Sorry I’m not of more help!  All the best!

    3. Ken

      January 13, 2011

      I’m touched that you’ve made an effort to frame pictures of your family and put it up on the wall.  That is a great way to personalize a boy’s room…

    4. hawahawa

      January 18, 2011

      You just can’t go wrong with primary colors.  I think that if it were women’s fashion, primary colors would be the equivalent of the little black dress!

    5. butterscotch

      January 24, 2011

      Great work here.  I think that the cars, trucks and airplanes that “snuck” their way into the room made it more beautiful.  They really complement the colors and the decors you chose here.  I love those felt letters too, and it adds a sense of the whimsical to the room.

    6. Janes

      April 15, 2011

      Hi there, I love the room and am trying to get some ideas for my sons room. Just wondering what paint colour you used?


    7. Janes

      April 15, 2011

      Hi there, I love the room and am trying to get some ideas for my sons room. Just wondering what paint colour you used?


    8. nblackmon

      November 2, 2011

      @Janes – I’m so sorry I’m getting back to you so late. I didn’t notice you had responded. Regarding the paint, I have no idea. It was a Benjamin Moore color but we just recently had to give our paint can to the superintendent of our building so they could buy some more to make touch ups to this room. If I can find the name, I’ll get back to you!

    9. Katie

      January 27, 2012

      The room is great! I am wondering where you got the book shelves!!! Or did you make them? Love them!

    10. Shari

      July 10, 2012

      Hi! We live on the UWS too! Which color did you get in the shag rug from LON? They have 3 colors. Thanks!! Shari

    11. Nicole

      January 22, 2013

      I’m so sorry Shari and Katie that I didn’t respond to you guys. I just ran upon my posting and saw that you had both left a comment. So I’m probably too late to be any good to you but for what it’s worth :) I’ll answer anyway! Shari, hi UWS neighbor! The Land of Nod rug was in their denim color. It’s literally denim pieces but hides everything! We’ve been very happy with it. Katie, the shelves are a little bit of this and that. We got creative since we were on a budget. The set of 9 cubed shelves came from Target and the tall ones beside it are 2 different shelves that stacked on top of each other. We took the top square shelf of one and the bottom square shelf of the other off and connected the two together. I don’t know if that makes any sense but hopefully you know what I mean. :) Thank you for your nice words!

    12. Yovar

      May 12, 2014

      I am looking for a small desk like That. Where did you find it?

    13. Limah

      April 13, 2015

      Room looks great! How did you make the ceiling bunting? Is it felt or fabric?. I love how the bunting ties everything together.

    14. amy

      June 19, 2016

      Where did you get the curtains? thank you!

    15. Norah Larke

      August 22, 2016

      Did anyone ever find the paint color? I’m looking for something similar but they all seem to purple for a boys room. Help!

    16. Rebekah

      September 26, 2016

      Can I ask where you got the striped throw and pillow from please :)

    17. Connie

      December 28, 2017


      I love the blue paint color you chose for your son’s room! I don’t see the paint name mentioned…would you be willing to share? I would love to know 😍


    18. Teonna

      December 30, 2017

      Did anyone ever get the name of the paint?

    19. Lorrica Purdy

      June 7, 2018

      What is the paint color please?

    20. Flori

      July 30, 2018

      Hi there,
      I was wondering if baker is a wall decal or ifs was painted on?
      If so, where did you find the round letter decals in Navy?
      Thank you in advance

    21. Clare

      May 13, 2019

      Do you happen to know the paint color name and manufacturer? That’s the color I’m wanting for my little boy’s room!

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