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Lincoln’s Calm and Serene Nursery


Link's nursery is my favorite place in our house, it's so serene and calm. I've always been drawn to the color blue, so when I had boys I knew exactly what I was going to do in their nurseries! The room had already been painted blue from when it was our first little guy's nursery and my husband was not keen on repainting.

Design Inspiration

My challenge was to use the same color walls (and a lot of the same furniture) yet still come up with a nursery that looked completely different from the last. I'm so happy that I was able to achieve that!

Decorating Style

Simple, elegant and classic.

Project Details

The Boori Sleigh Cot is a much loved hand-me-down from my beautiful sister. Max (our oldest) used it when he was a baby, Lincoln is in it now and it will eventually be our newborn's when he is ready to move out of his bassinet. The cot is made up with a stunning quilt made by my very clever mum, a 'love' and star cushion from my shop, a gorgeous Robin and Mould cloud cushion, a diy pom pom trim cushion and Lincoln's much loved blanket (that he has called nee-nee for as long as he has been able to talk!).

The felt ball rug is a custom order from Hand Craft Nepal on Etsy, I love that you can choose any color combination you like and have it made up into a gorgeous statement piece. The whale blanket that Link has is another favorite of mine from Goo Collection and is so perfect in this room.

The ikea expedit is another hand-me-down, I originally had it in here when this was Max's room and it stayed when Link moved in. It's filled with so many things that he loves! Link has also really fallen in love with books lately and is always pulling books out and bringing them to us to read. Most days we end up sitting on the felt ball rug and reading together at least five or six times. The baskets down the bottom hold most of his toys, they're sorted by type so that we can find things easily. One for blocks, another for cars, planes etc, another for noisy toys and the last basket holds cuddly toys.

The cloud mobile was a DIY project I made as the room was coming together and I absolutely love how it turned out.

The change table is a dresser I picked up second hand from a thrift shop, it was originally dark brown but I knew it would be perfect as soon as I saw it. I primed it, painted it with about a million coats of paint and switched out the brass drawer pulls for silver ones.

The mobile above the table was a diy mobile I did years ago (again it was originally for Max's room), once we had ceiling fans installed I moved it from the center of the room to it's current location. Lincoln adores it and loves to sing twinkle twinkle with us as we change him.

The mini gallery wall is full of special pieces of art, the whale is a custom ink original by Rhi from Hummingbird's Song Art and the 'shine like the stars' is from another Aussie seller Billy and Scarlet.

Favorite Items

The DIY star mobile is probably my favorite item, also the cheapest I think!


Keep it simple, I think this look works because its almost monochromatic.


Monday 17th of February 2020

I’m dying for the paint color as well. And the cloud wall hanging


Friday 28th of September 2018

Behr. Midwinter Mist


Sunday 15th of July 2018

Any update on the paint colour?


Wednesday 4th of July 2018

Paint Color please!!


Wednesday 25th of April 2018

Need to know this paint colour please 🙏