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    For Henry’s first birthday, as we are entering the colder months and plaid seemed apropos, we decided on a “Li’l Lumberjack” theme. Decor included red-and-black buffalo plaid, wood accents, a retro red “logging” truck, faux pine trees and pinecones. The menu was also lumberjack-inspired, featuring “lumberjack” chili (with assorted toppings such as Black Forest bacon), Maine Root sodas, apple crisp, “tree” nuts, pretzel “logs” and pretzel “twigs, S’mores mix, carrot “sticks” and celery “sticks” with hummus and ranch dip. The cake was red-and-black plaid, topped with a moose and two pine trees. It also featured an ax decorated with the number 1.

    Guests were encouraged to wear plaid and facial hair (real or otherwise.) The younger set made their own paper beards and also built cabins out of Lincoln Logs.

    On one wall we displayed black-and-white photos from each month of Henry’s life from newborn to 11 months. On another we displayed his newborn onesie and diaper contrasted with this 12-month onesie and diaper. A great way to show how much he’s grown over the past year.

    I’ve been using the hashtag #ohhenry on Instagram, so we also displayed a bucket of Oh Henry candy bars. I was excited to find the buffalo plaid bucket at Target for $3.

    As a nod to a lumberjack’s lunch pail, we filled a large lidded basket with goodies displayed in paper bags: pretzels, trail mix, S’mores mix.

    Ruth H
    Ruth H
    Ruth H

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