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    We held Liesl’s 2nd birthday at the historic Carousel at Santa Monica Pier.    It is one of the few surviving all-wooden Carousels still in existence today and its charm & vintage beauty is so inherent.   Ever since Liesl rode The Carousel a few months prior to her party, she couldn’t stop talking about the “horses”, so I knew this would be the perfect venue to host her 2nd birthday!

    Entertaining With Emily
    Entertaining With Emily
    Although my design background is in interior architecture, I am a creatively-obsessed, hands-on DIYer mostly because I have an insatiable need to alter everything, just a bit. I never met a can of spray paint I didn’t like!
    Entertaining With Emily
    Although my design background is in interior architecture, I am a creatively-obsessed, hands-on DIYer mostly because I have an insatiable need to alter everything, just a bit. I never met a can of spray paint I didn’t like!

    Shop New Arrivals


      1. AuntKiki

        June 8, 2012

        Great job, love it! I couldn’t imagine only having 45 minutes to do a full party set up!

      2. Florence Amber

        June 19, 2012

        The cake is just so cute! It looks like something you wouldn’t want to wait to be sliced!

      3. Julie

        June 26, 2012

        Do you have more pictures of the party? I can only see the first 5.

      4. Emily

        June 29, 2012

        Julie – you have to click on the arrow on the right to see more – there are 25 pictures total.

      5. Regina Menaldo-Vielma DC

        September 7, 2012

        wow…GREAT JOB!! Can you tell me how you made the sandwich cut outs?? Really would love to do the same for my little girl’s party next month…thank you!!

      6. angela

        March 29, 2015

        What an amazing job on this party! Can you tell me how you the custom pirate booty bags?

      7. Cyntia

        November 19, 2015

        Hi i love your invitation design do you have the link for the invitation?

      8. Melissa

        December 8, 2015

        I LOVE EVERYTHING!!! Are you selling those pinwheels???? I need you to make me some!!!!!!

      9. Rosemarie Maldonado

        January 25, 2016

        Great job. I am planning my 1 year old’s 1st birthday at Jane’s Carousel in Brooklyn Bridge park and we too will only have 45 min to set-up. Can you send me the tutorial you used to make the pin wheels? My email is



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