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    I so enjoyed creating the perfect haven for our little girl, Leya Grace. I knew I wanted to create a calm, chic, yet modern feel using blush pink, white, grey and hints of gold. I was inspired by peonies and all things pretty. 

    Roxanne Griffiths
    Roxanne Griffiths
    Roxanne Griffiths

    Shop New Arrivals


      1. Hayleigh LaCroix

        November 5, 2019

        Where can I find the peony wall decals?

      2. Brittany

        January 31, 2020

        Would really like to know where you got those decals!!!

      3. Victoria

        February 1, 2020

        Where did you get the wall decals?

      4. Rose Sayewich

        February 5, 2020

        what colour did you paint the pink wall?

      5. Amber

        February 12, 2020

        Would also like to know where to buy the wallpaper!

      6. Nickolie

        February 18, 2020

        Where did you get the flowers for the wall??

      7. AJ

        March 14, 2020

        Hi did anyone find this decal/ wallpaper anywhere

      8. ninhointeriors

        April 17, 2020

        Hello, this wallpaper is from Ninho Interiors. We custom designed it for Ley’s nursery.

      9. Caitlin

        May 31, 2020


        I love your wall flowers! Where did you get them or are they hand painted?



      10. ninhointeriors

        June 1, 2020

        Hi Caitlin,

        We designed this wallpaper for our client Roxanne :)

      11. Maria

        June 4, 2020

        Where can I buy that wall paper???

      12. Rebecca

        July 28, 2020

        Very nice room you make.
        Can you please Tell me where you get the flower wall decoration?


      13. Melinda

        July 30, 2020

        Where can I find the grey and black pink wall decals for the Leya Grace wall

      14. ninhointeriors

        July 31, 2020

        Hi Ladies,
        The wallpaper was designed by us (Ninho Interiors).
        We are based in South Africa :)


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