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      1. hawahawa

        August 19, 2010

        I usually don’t like working with brown because it’s a difficult color to match especially in nurseries.  I think that you could have pulled it off better if you opted for brighter colors for the room, or at least contrast the brown with white.  But putting that aside, I think that this room works.  I think it’s great that there are a lot of personal touches here.

      2. cottonlily

        August 20, 2010

        For some reason the mobile reminds me of a voodoo-ish hanging bone thing! Call me crazy, but I really had to look twice. Maybe it’s because I had the dog theme (dogs, bones, kwim) in my head! I do love that you included the family pet in your nursery. That’s something we’ve always wanted to do.

      3. PrincessRaina

        August 20, 2010

        A lot of work has been done for this room, and it shows. It seems like a small room, but you were able to make it homey and comfortable.

      4. isabeau

        September 22, 2010

        Love the frames & photos! & how crazy cool is the bulldog mobile hehe

      5. lburden

        September 22, 2010

        Need you to make me a mobile!

      6. samkwester

        October 18, 2010

        You can purchase a custom mobile from my shop

      7. KC

        July 6, 2012

        Where did you order the custom print of you bulldog. I want something like that for my baby boy’s nursery!

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