Shop Suggestions

    A woodland inspired mint green nursery with a bit of Carolina charm for our little girl.

    Brittany Lishia
    Brittany Lishia
    I'm a soon-to-be mommy as well as a teacher. I've always been intrigued by the look and functionality of a space and I consider decorating my own home, an enjoyable hobby.
    Brittany Lishia
    I'm a soon-to-be mommy as well as a teacher. I've always been intrigued by the look and functionality of a space and I consider decorating my own home, an enjoyable hobby.

    Shop New Arrivals


      1. katie

        September 28, 2014

        lovely! where is the crib from?

      2. Rachel

        May 7, 2015

        Can you tell me the paint color you used on the nursery? I love it!

      3. Erin

        November 29, 2015

        I love the letters on the wall! Did you buy those somewhere? Or make them? If you made them, do you remember what paint you used

        Thanks so much! Beautiful nursery :-)

      4. Tiffani

        August 12, 2016

        Could you tell me what color you used to paint the crib?? Thank you it’s beautiful!

      5. Kelsey Sigg

        April 16, 2017

        Will you tell me what color you painted the crib?

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