Shop Suggestions
A woodland inspired mint green nursery with a bit of Carolina charm for our little girl.
Brittany Lishia
I'm a soon-to-be mommy as well as a teacher. I've always been intrigued by the look and functionality of a space and I consider decorating my own home, an enjoyable hobby.
Brittany Lishia
I'm a soon-to-be mommy as well as a teacher. I've always been intrigued by the look and functionality of a space and I consider decorating my own home, an enjoyable hobby.
lovely! where is the crib from?
Can you tell me the paint color you used on the nursery? I love it!
I love the letters on the wall! Did you buy those somewhere? Or make them? If you made them, do you remember what paint you used
Thanks so much! Beautiful nursery :-)
Could you tell me what color you used to paint the crib?? Thank you it’s beautiful!
Kelsey Sigg
Will you tell me what color you painted the crib?