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    The inspiration for Jonah’s nursery came from the Alligator Madras bedding set from Pottery Barn Kids. After browsing nurseries high and low, my husband and I saw the bedding set, and ran with the idea of incorporating alligators into his nursery.

    We had a very small space to work with, and we knew we wanted the room to be as bright, colorful, and cheerful as possible…while making the most of every square inch.

    Although the room is small in size, the amount of character we’ve added cannot be contained within these walls :)


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      1. Frauline

        August 9, 2013

        Alligators may not be my favorite animal, but this room is just adorable. That small tree decal is cute.

      2. Kristen D.

        April 7, 2014

        Love, love this nursery! Can you tell me what paint color you used for the blue?

      3. Sandy

        April 18, 2014

        Could you please share the blue paint color on wall. Thanks

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