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      1. admin

        January 8, 2010

        Kim says:

        October 13, 2008 at 9:17 am  

        Great job!! This is the best nursery I’ve ever seen:) Great creativity!

      2. admin

        January 8, 2010

        Melissa says:

        October 13, 2008 at 5:23 pm 

        This is an amazing nusery! Brandt is a lucky boy!

      3. admin

        January 8, 2010

        michelle {sweet mady’s paper} says:

        October 14, 2008 at 8:18 am  

        That is fabulous! Thanks so much for sharing. I’m so in awe of the paint job.

      4. admin

        January 8, 2010

        Helen says:

        October 15, 2008 at 11:43 am

        I love it! The brown squares on the wall really pull the whole look together.

      5. admin

        January 8, 2010

        Michelle @ Everyday Celebrating says:

        October 16, 2008 at 7:12 pm  

        I’m drooling over the blocks of paint!
        Love the color combinations! Fabulous!

      6. cottonlily

        April 29, 2010

        Very cool! Everything looks great.

      7. ClaireBear7

        June 25, 2010

        I love the colors and contrasts! Great design to go with the house – it is beautiful, yet it caters to the development of the baby with contrasts, a mix of calming colors yet there are still bright. Not overcrowded with toys or manipulatives, just enough to keep him interested and stylish!

      8. jtbottoms

        August 16, 2010

        I absolutely love the window treatments! May I ask where you purchased the twin sheets?

      9. lirome

        July 5, 2011

        Nice nursery! Where did you get your dresser/changing table from?

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