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It’s A Block Party!


Not one to go with a traditional girly celebration, Caroline decided she wanted a Lego party to kick off her new year. Such a colorful and fun theme! The sweets table took center stage with a Lego inspired backdrop made with a white plastic table cover and plastic plates that mimic the Lego nubs. Small boxes covered with blue and red wrapping paper were made to look like blocks, as well as the Happy Birthday banner. Colored candy melts were used to create the Lego cupcake toppers and cake décor. They were also used to make the hit of the party-- chocolate covered Oreos. Mason jars were adorned with large Lego man faces that guests could write their names on to keep track of their drinks. Colorful fabric was layered as a nod to the eye catching blocks. Legos themselves were incorporated in cute and useful ways- a large block held utensils. Centerpieces were Lego tulips and the kids table had CAROLINE spelled out. A Lego company set up various stations where the little guests could get creative and play games with Lego characters, build a Lego city and even Star Wars ships! As guests left, they were given Lego head marshmallow pops. Aside from Mother Nature having a bad hair day and taking it out on us with crazy winds and drizzle-necessitating a last-minute move indoors- I think we built the perfect party!

Design Inspiration

Primary colors and a whole lotta Legos!

Decorating Style

Modern with a whimsical, kid-friendly vibe

Project Details

Party Planning & Design/Printables/Favors: Sweet Pea Parties (

Lego Stations: Play A Party (

Favorite Items

The Lego-inspired backdrop made using a plastic tablecloth and plastic plates turned out really cute. The kids would say that their fave item was the chocolate covered Oreos.


I always go for "inspired" rather than being on-the-nose with a theme. Less can be more!

Vote: May Party Finalists - Project Nursery

Tuesday 19th of May 2015

[…] It’s a Block Party! by Stacey Sabrina, of Project Nursery, says, “This celebration takes the joy of legos to a whole new level. It’s such a clever idea that was executed so thoughtfully with so many perfect details that reinforce the fun theme.” […]