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    Since we moved to our house we always knew this was going to be the baby’s room. We love the way it was design. We also had in mind the owl theme. We took our time to put it together and we looked in different places to find what we wanted. My husband has been deployed but he had put as much effort to make it come together and once he comes back he will so glad of how it turned out.

    I am a military wife expecting my first baby boy. Love to do things by myself and working on the baby's nursery has been the most exciting and gratifying project.
    I am a military wife expecting my first baby boy. Love to do things by myself and working on the baby's nursery has been the most exciting and gratifying project.

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      1. Tara Finnigan

        August 12, 2013

        Nursery came out great! Question about the glider. Is this the Little Castle Glider from target’s website. I’ve been looking at it for days trying to figure out if the blue is close enough to navy to pass. Would you say it is close to navy?

      2. dmtsltgpt

        August 12, 2013

        Hi Tara! the glider is navy… I looked a t it for the longest too cause I was scare it was not going to match what I wanted but it turned out good… I hope this help you

      3. Ash

        January 23, 2015

        I really love your Nursery! Its one of my favorites on line for a boy that I have seen. Well done! All the best to you and your family!

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