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    The nursery that we created for our daughter.  The project itself took approx. 3 months.  The room itself is fairly narrow, difficult to work with at times but we made the best of the space.  My ultimate goal was to keep it clean, bright… and functional.  The use of the dresser as a change table was a perfect option for this room.


    Wife and mama. Foot eater, photo taker, wine lover and cheese admirer.
    Wife and mama. Foot eater, photo taker, wine lover and cheese admirer.

    Shop New Arrivals


      1. Linda

        February 21, 2012

        Beautiful Lindsay!

        Very bright and well organized – love your crib too!

        Bravo pour le beau travail et j’aime beaucoup la touche personnelle de votre enfance – lampe et cadre…

        Linda xox

      2. 12andcounting

        February 22, 2012

        You’re bedding’s print is really lovely. But what really caught my attention was that lamp. Really cute! And it’s great to know it’s from your husband. It would make a really charming heirloom piece. By the way, did you add those turtles or are they really included?

      3. Lindsay

        February 22, 2012


        Thank you! The turtles are original from the lamp. The only thing that was “altered” is the shade, the original lamp had a yellow gingham shade.

      4. Ysczabel

        February 27, 2012

        You were going for clean and bright, and you achieved it! The nursery’s indeed clean and bright, and colorful, too. Sometimes it’s difficult to mix clean and colorful together, but you did just that.

      5. Lindsay

        March 6, 2012

        Thank you Ysczabel!

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